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Peppers growing slow, starting to yellow and die?

I'll be "that guy" and say the size of your container probably wasn't the problem. Here's some peppers I don't really care about that have been somewhat neglected growing in a tiny peat "puck". Poor lighting, no fertilizer, just good old tap water when I remember. Yes they're sunburned, yes they're covered with funk from the god forsaken cottonwood trees that surround me, and yes they aren't the finest looking seedlings and they should have been potted up but the point is they're alive and growing and they're doing it in a teeny tiny space.

Not bad - I think I probably made too many rookie mistakes - underwatering, overwatering, nutes too soon - etc. Nothing I can do now, I hope the 2-3 that are left pull through but they don't look too good.
Not bad - I think I probably made too many rookie mistakes - underwatering, overwatering, nutes too soon - etc. Nothing I can do now, I hope the 2-3 that are left pull through but they don't look too good.

Don't feel too bad. Most of us have probably been there. I know I have. Overwatering seems to be the most common problem, over fertilizing probably the second most common. Even after I learned not to "kill them with kindness" I still plant way too many seeds every year so that even if 50% never germinate and of those that do 50% die I'm still left with about 80% more than I probably need. I've already lost 4 out of 48 that I transplanted outside last weekend, mostly because I'm too lazy to ever harden them off properly... I just stick em in the ground and let them fight for their lives. :P

If I was in your position (and I have been before) I would still try to salvage the grow season by picking up plants at a nursery. Most probably won't have what you were trying to grow but there's nothing wrong with Cayenne, Jalapeno, Habanero, Fresno, Thai etc. and pretty much any nursery should have those. In fact you probably have time to start any of those except Habanero from seed and still get a harvest. One nursery here sells Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. The scorpions are new this year to this nursery, and even though I already had T. Scorps and Morouga scorps I still ended up buying 4 Butch T plants for the hell of it.
I found my best bet was to buy a burpee seed starting kit, not the fancy ones, just the coco pellets $7 for a tray; I went from a 20% germ and survival rate to 99% and shortened germ times too. Plus it's easy to know when to water and transplanting is a piece of cake.
get some new seeds and start all over ...

the beauty of this hobby is that its fairly cheap ... and once you got the drill down, you will feel GOOD.

(the drill is: not to look at your peppers for 2 days - then you can briefly check if everything is ok, then you`re off limits again for 2 days :D)

cheers al
I'll be "that guy" and say the size of your container probably wasn't the problem. Here's some peppers I don't really care about that have been somewhat neglected growing in a tiny peat "puck". Poor lighting, no fertilizer, just good old tap water when I remember. Yes they're sunburned, yes they're covered with funk from the god forsaken cottonwood trees that surround me, and yes they aren't the finest looking seedlings and they should have been potted up but the point is they're alive and growing and they're doing it in a teeny tiny space.

Just goes to show you that over loving is worse than under loving...

When you get all antsy to mess with your pepper, just drink a beer and fraget-a-bout-it...
Yep. I'll be in San Diego next weekend, seems lots of guys down there grow supers so I'm going to stock up.

Next year, I'll buy 2x more seeds than I think I need and get them started in January instead of March. But at least now ai have the equipment and experience to (hopefully) do better in 2014.
Good news! 2 of the plants I repotted have exploded and are on the second set of true leaves now. A third is recovering as well - rest are, well, dead.