Perhaps some tips on what peppers love(When growing)?

ikeepfish said:
I wouldn't use it if it's a salt water tank.  You might want to compost it first so the salts wash out of it.
I pull it directly out of the swirl filter on my aquaponics system and toss it into the soil with the water that comes out with it.  Fish waste is great stuff. I feed my koi and goldfish a healthy blend of vegetable and protein based flakes and pellets and occasionally insects both wild caught and freeze dried. Oh and pruned leaves.  They love pepper leaves XD.
And of course, I grow hydro plants directly in the fish water :) I grew indeterminate tomatoes in the system last year and they grew, no joke, 4 feet a week...I didn't have enough room for it...some of the branches of the vine grew over into the tank and got stripped of leaves by the fish lol.
lol, good to find fellow fish lovers in the pepper world. I need to take a pic of my mangroves growing in my sump for nitrate reduction!!! The gunk in my skimmer is pretty nasty. I vodka dose my reef so I have blobs of green crap foaming up on the regular in the skimmer!
From my experience, pepper plants love a more sandy soil, or as close to loam as you can get, great drainage, moist root balls, and foliar sprays with Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur. There are recipes online on how to make these kinds of things with Magnesium and Sulfur being the easiest ( Epsom Salt).
They love consistency, but also love spontaneous changes in something they get regularly. As in, I keep a written garden journal, and every so ofter I put a day in there of less water than usual, or a bit more fertilizer with more water, etc. They seem to really thrive the days or weeks after that putting out pods quicker and ripening them faster. 
As for fertilizers, I like organic. Fish Emulsion for one is a good start but supplement with other ferts doesn't hurt, just watch the ratios. I use a fertilizer in the sol made from organic products, fish emulsion every 1-2 weeks depending on how they're looking, kelp emulsion, and other things from because they are just awesome!  I use this with another fert to get the P value where I want it as well. I sprinkle this at the base of plants and work it into the soil to get the P value up.  This, plants love, tomatoes, eggplants, and especially super hot peppers! 
Now when the plants are all grown and are just flowering I use one fertilizer I tried last year that was great!
These are just some ideas of how it can be done, and all plants are different, even in the same garden, some love the Fish emulsion, others the Kelp, and others just the extreme blend mixed with something for Phosphorous, which is why I listed so many! You have to give your plants options to know what makes them thrive.