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PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South African

Welcome to PeriPeri's Grow 13/14/15/2016: South Africa
If you would like to see the 2012/2013 Grow, you can see it Here

First a little info about our country:

South Africa is situated at the very southern tip of the African continent. Our country ranges a divers spectrum of cultures and religions and of course habitats. Our country is flanked by the Atlantic on the SW coast line and the Indian Ocean on the NE coast line. Our diverse habitats range from tropical to sub saharan and even desert up north. One thing is for sure, the high summer temperatures and generally mild winter temperatures mean that our country does offer a great opportunity to grow chillies (among other things). To those who are not familiar with our country, Africa probably conjurs up images of harsh barren landscapes with dry baked un-fertile soil and wild animals roaming all over the place. South Africa is probably one of the most established african countries with a large farming sector and loads of fertile soil.

The locality of where this grow will take place is largely situated inland near Pretoria. Altitude here is about 4000ft above sea level. We are talking mild winters with some frost early mornings (temperatures drop at night due to altitude). Daytime temps in winter are round about 21ºC and night time temps can drop as low as -4ºC on a very cold night. There is no rain on the "Highveldt" as we call it in winter. As a rule of thumb all months of the year without an "R" do not have rain. These are our dry months, which go from May till August. Our summer is also our rainy season. This goes from September till April. Temperatures in Pretoria in Summer vary 30ºC - 40ºC daytime to a low of 17ºC on average at night. While there is often long dry spells without rain, rains usually accumulate as huge thunderstorms that bring flash floods, hail and sever lightning.

The farm has a borehole which provides water for the garden. Although at present there is no irrigation system. One of my projects for this year.

Animal wise, we have loads of insects, snakes, scorpions, spiders, primates (Baboons and Vervet Monkeys) as well as Carnivores such as Jackals, Rooicats (mountain lion) and other smaller wild cats. But as far as chillies go, the monkeys and baboons are the biggest problem as they do eat the milder chillies and destroy plants while foraging. There are no traps big enough for monkeys and generally they are very clever to get around most deterrents, so full enclosure with shade netting is the best way.

Other than this, I would say that while there has been much bad publicity about the country in the press, our country is a beautiful country with diversity everywhere, the land, the people, the cultures and the religions. Hence our country is called the rainbow nation. Most famous person is probably Nelson Mandella who established our new democracy in the New South Africa after the apartheit era. Our country is a young democracy in the making - but most of all, our country is a diverse and beautiful country with much to offer and of course home of the Big 5, Blue Whale and Great White Shark... and much much more. Just a quick and very narrow snapshot of what our wonderful country is about!

Last years experience has given me a better understanding of growing at the farm and these are the pitfalls from my exercise last year.

Generally last year was a great season. Great weather - hot and dry. Lots of mistakes made, but things that will not be repeated. Last year we had about 78 different varieties of chillies. We had an estimated 1000 plants in the soil. Last season was our first season growing in the soil and based on previous experiences with growing in pots... I will say adieu to pots and hello soil.

1) Watering. As mentioned there is no irrigation. Water is available a plenty, but regular watering in these hot climates is a must. So for me, I will be looking closely at getting some sort of a watering system up and running. Added problem is that the farm is located about 1 hour from where I live, so watering every day during the week was reliant on staff at the farm watering ever second day during the week. Staffing issues resulted in the loss of quite a few plants due to non watering. So irrigation and a computer will be priority.

2) Season. Last year we started planting seedlings late October/Early November. This year we aim to be in the soil early October. Germination started earlier this season beginning July. I have also acquired a green house which I will use for the seedlings.

3) Planting. Last year planting got into a big muddle. This year I will be more methodical. Also, we planted too close. We found that this becomes a problem when harvesting. We did not feel that last years approach of planting two seedlings together being a problem. We did not notice any significant lower yield with plants that had been planted together as opposed to individually. And found that the cohabitation of plants together (in pairs) actually helped in areas where seedlings were exposed to direct sun. In fact, cohabitation resulted in better growth and larger plants.

4) Spacing. Last year we planted seedlings approx 45cm apart. We would like to extend this to 60cm as we found 45cm to be too dense. We were happy with using channels and rows which helped retain water for approx two - three days between watering and helped channel any run off out of the field. Also, there was no pooling or puddling which was better I think.

5) Insects/monkeys/Snails. Mostly cutworm issues with small seedlings. We will tackle this by using (Stickman's stick method) and through pellets - if need be. Pepper maggots: We suffered quite extensively with Pepper Maggots. We will implement sacrificial boundary plants, fly tapes and beer traps (not for me but the wasps). Monkeys: Plant inside enclosures only. We will be looking at extending the current shade net enclosure, but will need to raise funding for this. Giant African Land Snail: Amazing buggers these. We found lots but only a few that had dug into the plants root system to suck the minerals from plant roots. Not much of a threat as these were just removed by hand, but the enclosure goes a long way to preventing them from getting in.

6) Weeds. Last year we had a problem with weeds. Weeds were time consuming at the start of the season and probably brought about by the application of horse manure. We will try and look at applying some kind of ground cover to reduce weeds, but this will be advised at a later stage.

7) Planting. Last year we took young seedlings and planted them in a nursery. Once big enough we transplanted them densely in the inside enclosed garden (which has 40% shade cloth) and then transplanted the young plants to the open fields once about 15 - 20cm in size. We would like to cut out all the extra work and transplanting, which we found to just delay growth. Every time you transplant, the plant growth is set back... so we will be planting directly into the plants final destination. This means we will be waiting for the pants to get to 15-20cm in size before planting in the soil. Last season we planted seedlings in the soil when they were very small and this also resulted in losses through cutworm.

8) Fertilizers. Nothing hectic. The soil at the farm is incredibly rich and fertile soil. But we found last year that Seaweed and Fish fertilizers to be brilliant and totally harmless. So we will definitely be sticking with this recipe. Out of time constraint, last season, pellets were applied to the surface as opposed to mixing the pellets into the soil around the base of the plant, so this season we will try and do this properly. We alo will pay particular attention to maintaining the mounds around the root base and regularly loosening the soil. With our flash floods and heavy downpours the mounds do flatten and the soil becomes compacted. This results in roots being exposed, water running off the soil as opposed to into the soil and ultimately impacting on the plants optimal growth.

9) Support. Last year we added support as the plants became bigger. Not knowing how big some of the plants would get. We have a better idea this year and will be implementing supports at the beginning. We have two types of bamboo on the farm and will be using the harder thinner bamboo as this does not disturb the roots as much.

10) Drink. More beer. Last year we did not have nearly enough beer to get us through the backbreaking work... so there will have to be more beer for sure :) Just one more thing on that, Nature is an amazing process. Trust in nature. Everything has its place and jumping to intervene (which we always want to do) is sometimes the worst thing that we can do. Plants are very forgiving once established and a lot more resilient than we give them credit for. So chill. Have a beer when the nerves are frayed and you want to reach for the napalm. Nature is amazing most of the time and things in nature have survived a million times over. For aphids there are ladybirds. For insects there are the birds... if you napalm the aphids, the ladybirds will go... just chill and have a beer :) This is my theory and I am sticking to it lol

Ok, lots on the cards this year. plenty to do and arrange and it will be kicking off shortly. The plants from last year are still in the garden and field. I only over wintered the special plants. Of these there are 100 mature plants that I rescued from the winter frost. The other 900 plants are still in the soil. It looks like armageddon in the fields. Some plants have been taken by the frost for sure, but others are showing signs of life. I plan to go this week to weed out the dead plants from the survivors and prune dead wood. I am planning to rearrange things somewhat, so once I have established the survivors, I will be transplanting those plants to get order back into the fields. This will allow me to get the vacant land ready for new plants.

As mentioned germination is well under way. Propagator has been fired up now for month and a bit and seedlings are coming along just great. First week of October will be my D-Day for planting.

Loads of exciting new chillies on the go this season. I had intended to cut down on the number of plants this year... but guess what :D

Grow List 2013/2014

Aji Lemon
Angkor Sunrise
Antilaise Caribbean
Baby Belle Pimento
Bahamian Goat
Bali Long
Bali Naga
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Cappuccino
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Bhut Jolokia Peach
Bhut Jolokia X Habanero Giant White
Big Jim
Bile Bile (Zimbabwean PeriPeri)
Bishops Crown
Black Pearl
Bonda Ma Jacques
Boriya Mirch
Cabe Merah
Calapeño Thunder
California Wonder Golden
Carolina Reaper
Joe's Long Cayenne
Cherry Sweet
Cherry Bomb
Cheyenne X Thai
Condom (Aji Verde)
Devil's Tongue Brown
Devil's Tongue White
Ecuadorian Sweet
Explosive Embers
Facing Heaven
Fatalii Red
Fatalii White
Fatalii Yellow
Fidalga Roxa
Fish Pepper
Goronong Cili
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Champagne
Habanero Gambia
Habanero Golden
Habanero Paper Lantern
Habanero Peach Long
Habanero Red
Habanero Large White
Habanero White Jellybean
Hong Kong
Hot Pixies
Hungarian Hot Wax
Hungarian Sweet Wax
Hungarian White Apple
Jalapeño El Jefe
Jamaican Gold
Long Thai
Makulu Peri
Manzano Orange
Mata Frade
Naga King Jolokia
Naga Morich (European)
Naga Morich (Indian)
Naga Viper
Orange Blob
Pasilla Bajio
Pata Pario
PeriPeri (Mozambique)
PeriPeri (Malawi)
PeriPeri (SA)
Phuli Jiyoti
Pimenta de Neyde
Purple Tiger
Red Savina
Ring of Fire
CARDI Yellow Scorpion
Scarlet Lantern
Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet Peach Long
Thai Dragon
Trinidad 7 Pot Barrakpore
Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah X Trinidad Scorpion ButchT
Trinidad 7 Pot Primo
Trinidad 7 Pot Brainstrain
Trinidad 7 Pot Burgundy
Trinidad 7 Pot Douglah
Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah
Trinidad 7 Pot Red
Trinidad 7 Pot White
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT X Bhut Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT X Trinidad 7 Pot Primo
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT X Moruga
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI Yellow X Bhut Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion Long Tail
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Chocolate
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow FG
Tuscan Frgitello (Pepperoncini)
122 different types - I hope that will be it :D
Thank you to Stickman for the seeds. Thank you to Conor for his seeds and thank you to Meatfreak for the amazing selection he sent. I am still hoping that Walkgood's package will arrive - so thanks for those in advance my friend!
In Oudtshoorn , western Cape.
Growing for own use .
African birds eye from Moz
Just the basics for now.
PeriPeri said:
ok, this is not all of it... but I think this is the main line up for this season. Don't know how or where - but this is what is on the go at the moment :)
(TS Moruga x BJ) X (BJ x 7pot Douglah) F3
7pot Barrackpore                
7pot Barrakpore X 7Pot Douglah F3
7pot Brainstrain Red          
7pot Brown                    
7pot Bubblegum
7Pot Bubblegum Chocolate
7pot Burgundy
7pot Chaguanas Yellow         
7pot Douglah X 7pot Brainstrain
7pot Douglah X Red
7pot Douglah X TS Moruga V3 F4
7pot Infinity                 
7pot Jonah Strain               
7pot Jonah X 7pot Primo F3
7pot Jonah X Trinidad Scorpion ButchT
7pot Primo 7pot Primo Orange               
7pot Rennie                   
7pot SR Strain                  
7pot White                      
Agronaldo de Asti             
Aji Amarillo                  
Aji cachucha                  
Aji Chombo                     
Aji Cito                      
Aji de Jardin                 
Aji Dulce Amarillo            
Aji Ethiopian Fire            
Aji Golden                    
Aji Lemon
Aji Little Finger Red
Aji Monagre                   
Aji Panca Aji Peru Yellow               
Aji Pineapple                 
Aji Russian Yellow
Aji Sandollar
Aji Santa Cruz                
Aji Tapachula                 
Aji Umba Red                    
Aji Verde Aji White Fantasy             
Alma Paprika Anaheim                       
Ancho 101                     
Ancho Mulato Ancho Poblano                   
Angkor Sunrise Antillais 14.5                
Antillais Carribbean
Aribibbi gusano               
Ata Ijosi                     
Baby Belle Pimento
Bahamian Goat Pepper          
Bali Long
Bali Naga
Beaver Dam                      
Beni Highlands                
Bhut Cappuccino
Bhut Jolokia Kirmen
Bhut Jolokia Peach            
Bhut jolokia Strain II        
Bhut jolokia Yellow             
Big Bang Chocolate Naga         
Big Black Mama Bird Aji                      
Bishops Crown
Bishops Crown White
Black Naga                    
Black Pearl
BolÌvar de Minas Gereis       
Bolivian Rainbow              
Bonda Ma Jacques
Boriya Mirch
Brown Bhutlah SLP               
Brown Egg                     
Bulawayo Bullet
Bulgarian Carrot              
Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet    
Butch X Jonah                 
Cabe Merah
California Wonder
Calapeño Thunder
CAP 524                       
Capsicum eximium              
Capsicum galapagoense         
Capsicum glalapagoense Long
Capsicum lanceolatum          
Capsicum praetermissum        
Capsicum rhomboideum          
Cardi Red
CGN 22795
CGN 23255                     
Chahua Chili                  
Cheiro Roxa                   
Cherry Bomb
Cheyenne X Thai
Chilhuacle Negro              
Chilito de Simojovel          
Chiltepin Amarillo            
Chiltepin Redi
Chiltepin Tucson              
Choco Bhut X 7pot Douglah
Chocolate Bhut jolokia        
Chocolate Scorpion            
Congo de Nicaragua            
Congo Trinidad                  
Cornaletto da Appendere       
Cornish Naga
Costeño amarillo                
Cows Horn                     
Cumari do Para
Cumari o Passarinho           
Cumari Pollux
Datil Pepper                    
De Arbol                      
Devil's Tongue Chocolate
Devil’s Tongue Red              
Devils Tongue White
Dolmalik  PI 176463           
Dorset Naga Orange            
Douglah Billyboy              
Dwarf Chiltepin               
Early Jalapeño
Ecuadorian Brown              
Ecuadorian Devil              
Ecuadorian Sweet
Edes Füszerpaprika            
Explosive Embers
Facing Heaven
Fatalii Red                   
Fatalii White                 
Fatalii X 7pot
Fatalii Yellow
Feher cseresznye              
Fish Pepper
Foodorama Scotch Bonnet       
Füszer CsÌpüs                 
Giant Jalapeño
Giant Rocoto
Goats Weed                    
Golden Greek Pepperoncini
Guatemalan Chiltepin          
Guindilla Verde                 
Habanero Big Sun              
Habanero Brown                  
Habanero Champagne
Habanero Ebony Giant            
Habanero Gambia               
Habanero Gambia Orange          
Habanero Golden                 
Habanero Guadalupe              
Habanero Martinique             
Habanero Mexican Orange         
Habanero Orange
Habanero Peach Long
Habanero Red                    
Habanero St. Martin           
Habanero Surinam Red            
Habanero Vietnam                
Habanero White                
Hawai Beach                   
Hijo Puta Madre               
Holy Mole
Hong Kong
Hot Pixies
HP22B Selected                
Hungarian Hot Wax
JA Haba
Jafsh Red
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato
Jamaican Gold
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet TFM    
Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion
Jay’s Red Ghost Scorpion
Joe’s Long Cayenne              
Kapia Paprika                 
Karen Chilli
Kashmiri Mirch                
Kim Chi
Korean Winner
Krimzon Lee
Leutschauer Paprika            
Lotah Bih                     
Macedonian Teardrop
Machu Pichu
Madame Jeanette               
Madre de Rios                 
Mata Frade                    
Maui Purple                   
Maya Pimento
Mulato Isleno
Naga Khorika                  
Naga King
Naga Morich                   
Naga Viper
NuMex Big Jim                   
Onza Amarilla                 
Onza Roja                     
Orange Bhut
Orange Blob
Papa Joes Scotch Bonnet         
Pasilla Bajio
Peach Bhut Jolokia
Pequin From Mexixo              
PeriPeri Malawi
PeriPeri Mozambique
PeriPeri South Africa
PeriPeri Zimbabwe
PÈrola Iaranja                
Phuli Jyoti
Pimenta da Neyde              
Pimiento Choricero            
Pimiento Cristal              
Pimiento de Padron
Praire Fire                   
Prik Khi Nu                   
Purple Jalapeño                 
Purple Serrano                  
Purple Tiger
Puta Pario
Reaper Large
Reaper X 7pot Douglah F2
Reaper X Bhut Jolokia CV3 F2
Reaper X TS Moruga Large F3
Reaper X V4 F3
Red Chiltepin
Red Dominica Habanero           
Red Douglah
Red Savina                      
Ring of Fire
Roatan Pumpkin Habanero         
Rocoto Aji Largo              
Rocoto Costa Rican Red
Rocoto Costa Rican Yellow
Rocoto Guatemalan Orange      
Rocoto Yellow Royal Black                     
Ruby Teardrops
Santa Rosa Blanco             
Scarlet Lantern Peru          
Scotch Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet Peach Long
Scotch Bonnet Trinidad Red    
South African Piquant
Strawberry Paprika
Sunrise Scorpion                
Thai Dragon
Thai Hot
The Superhot Beast            
Tobago Seasoning                
Trapadeira de Werner
Trinidad 7pot
Trinidad 7pot Yellow
Trinidad Douglah                
Trinidad Perfume
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T       
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi Yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Long SR     
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red  
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow 
Trinidad Scorpion Red
Trinidad Scorpion SR X 7pot Jonah F4
Trinidad Seasoning TS ButchT X Bhut Jolokia
TS CARDI Yellow X Bhut Jolokia
TS Moruga X Bhut Jolokia Extreme F5
Turks Cap                     
Uvilla Grande                 
Westindian Yellow Habanero      
White Bhut
Wild Brazil                   
Yellow Pointy                 
Zim Black
Wow, great list. You must own half the country.  :confused:
Wow Lourens,
I see pain is your game!
And I hope this season is the best ever!
Growing at the farm would be cool, but hauling some of that soil home would be REALLY cool!
stickman said:
YEE-HAW!!! Now THAT'S an ambitious list! Good luck with your grow buddy... have you talked with the U.N. people about being named a Capsaicin world power? :rofl:
:rofl: The Souther African Republic of Capsaicin or maybe Bafiso Capsaikino please :)
Devv said:
Wow Lourens,
I see pain is your game!
And I hope this season is the best ever!
Growing at the farm would be cool, but hauling some of that soil home would be REALLY cool!
Hey Scott, if only my garden were larger - I would grow at home in a heart beat. I would get me one of them two storey mining trucks they have plenty of here and haul me some soil... but the farm may be an easier option in my mind. I will be going there soon to investigate. I want to get some of that really fertile soil down by the river that has not been farmed on for decades... nice rich loamy soil.
The varieties are just the varieties. I restricting my grow to 4 of each with the varieties, but I also plan to grow for sauce and powders, so some I will grow on mass.
I don't know how or where... but as they say in Afrikaans (Dutch) "n boer maak a plan" - a farmer makes a plan ;)
I will keep you posted... early days so far :)
:shocked:  :eek:   :shocked:   :eek:    :shocked:  :eek:    :shocked:    :eek:    :shocked:
Good Lord, Lourens!
I hope you can find room for all those puppies; that list is insanely long  \o_
Good luck getting it started, my friend!  I haven't even heard of some of those,
but I recognize some from the awesome seed collection you sent!
PaulG said:
:shocked:  :eek:   :shocked:   :eek:    :shocked:  :eek:    :shocked:    :eek:    :shocked:
Good Lord, Lourens!
I hope you can find room for all those puppies; that list is insanely long  \o_
Good luck getting it started, my friend!  I haven't even heard of some of those,
but I recognize some from the awesome seed collection you sent!
It is insane Paul, I chose a lot of them as I hadn't hear of them either. Most of the seeds are from Peter.... so far so good. I will post some pics of hooks and stuff in a day or so.
Our first signs of spring usually appear in spectacular fashion. This is a Pincushion Protea, native to South Africa. It's natural habitat is around our souther "cape" coastline, but I have a plant in our garden that is doing really well and enjoys a good dose of ash from the BBQ once in a while :)
Hi Peri, Bought some Reapers, Bhuts and Morugas from you earlier this year, just planted them out yesterday (Lawn in desperate need of a cut but the rain has been rather persistent of late):

I know it's kinda difficult to tell from the pic, but how is my spacing?? Raised bed is 3.6mx900mm
Hi P_N, welcome! Your plants look good. Your spacing should be a good 40cm apart. But it looks like you have lots of space there. Your soil and plant box look great. Where are you based? Cape?
Another spring spectacular is the Rococto Reds from last season have made it through winter and have just kicked into hypergrow with the warmer weather. I grew the Rocotos for the first time last season and I am in love with the plants, how they grow in cooler weather and all round... those pods, that flavour and just perfect heat... gotta love them Rocotoes. So lots more on the cards for this season!


And the bastages are already there at the tips I see! Neem will fix them for good :)

After just 48 hours in the presoak, some seeds are showing some pretty impressive radicles. I am a definite convert now when it comes to presoaking :) This season all our seeds have been presoaked and on average I would say germination times are down to 6 days with some hooks even within two days.