• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PeriPeri's Grow Log 2012: South Africa

Hi All,

So I'll give it another try this year. God knows I love chillies and I would love nothing more than to have a bumper harvest... but I suspect the truth of the matter is I do not have green fingers. In fact, give me a chilli and I will be pretty guaranteed to kill it lol That's not negativity talking, that's reality based on last years experiences lol

Last year it was pots. This year its a farm east of Pretoria, here in South Africa. My reasoning for this madness is pretty much like a hunter hunting with a machine gun... out of the thousand seedlings I plant... I must walk away with something lol (I hope).

So I have a pice of land. Good soil down by a river in the african sun.

The planting area has been divided into two sections. An enclosed area (±40mx40m) with shade netting and an open area (±40mx40m). Water is limited, but there is borehole water.

Outside Area:

Inside Area:

Temps this time of the year are in the mid to high 30ºC. It's the rainy season, so there is rain and it comes in buckets and hail-stones!

So here are the pics I took of the inside and outside areas Saturday 6/10/2012. It was 37ºC that day. I have a video as well which I took last Sunday when I started the planting (to come). Luckily we have a cold front at the moment, so since monday it has been overcast, cool and we have rain (magic). I think its about 23/25ºC at the moment. I planted on Sunday (36ºC) early morning (24/25ºC) and late afternoon and pretty much watered for the rest of the day. Didn't look like rain at all... but it's here and could not have come at a better time really!

As you can see I have laid out the beds in rows. Planting is at 45-60cm intervals. I am doing a little experiment also with double planting and single planting. I suspect the yield will be lower with the bushes that have been double planted... but who knows. A different climate... maybe results will show different.

On the grow list:

Bishops Crown
PeriPeri (naturally)
Hot Pixie
Thai Dragon
Baby Belle
Cal Wonder
Yellow Scorpions
Black Pearl
Naga Viper
White Hab
Orange Hab
Brown Hab
Red Hab
Big Jim
Long Thai
Carolina Reaper
Pasilla Bajio
7 Pod
Bhut Jolokia
Naga King
Scotch Bonnet
Hungarian Sweet Wax
Cherry Bomb
Boriya Mirch
Brain Strain
Ring of Fire

Still to come...

Angkor Sunrise
Devils Tongue White
Naga Morich
Devils Tongue Choc
Hab Choc

One or two other... but I can't remember.

First lot I planted on Sunday 7/10/2012.... details will follow...

Over and out for now!

Nitrile gloves also let the capsaicin through eventually. So at the mo, hands are still burning even though the last chilli I touched was like two days ago lol Everything I touch just burns! It's the price you pay - is what I have now come to lol On the bright side Caroline the Reaper is helping me in putting all the seeds in packets - and she is doing a sterling job. Not sure what I would do without her! That is such a painful job as well!

Try double-gloving the nitriles. That's what I used to do when handling... toxic materials. Better safe than dead. Change the outer pair every now and then and the inner pair whenever you have to remove them (meals, rest breaks, etc.) Also, don't the seeds need to dry for a while before putting them in packets?
Try double-gloving the nitriles. That's what I used to do when handling... toxic materials. Better safe than dead. Change the outer pair every now and then and the inner pair whenever you have to remove them (meals, rest breaks, etc.) Also, don't the seeds need to dry for a while before putting them in packets?
Hi Sawyer. Thanks for the tip. Toxic materials - woa... here I am worrying about a wee bit of Capsaicin!

Yea, all seeds are sun dried in seeds for sure. A good two days at least does the trick. Don't want to run the risk of seeds moulding in packets!
Actually quite excited to be going to the farm tomorrow. Season is closing in. One last push or two and I should be able to bring in the harvest. Hope the guys have been watering this week and not been busy patrolling the farm fences. Anyway, I will try and take loads of pics for you guys :)

Powder! That is what I will do with mine.
That is going to be one hell of a power Doc lol
There will be pictures as always! Pictures must go on for my fellow chilliheads. That is awesome... never enough space, but the space I used this year was a plenty for me. About 1000 plants... has kept me very busy. But if you have someone else to help, one could do more I guess. I have spent time in the UK and gardening is huge. So you have a really awesome market for seeds. Another thing is the affinity to Indian quisine is massive in the UK... so most people have grown up with a liking for spicy food. So yea... plenty people looking for really hot chillies without a doubt. There is also a huge market for people doing hydroponics in my experience... so you are sitting very cosy there. Not to mention that many smaller cities and villages have market days... the sky is the limit as they say! Nice!

I have learnt so much this year it is actually quite scary. Nothing quite like jumping in the deep end lol Not sure if you have many monkeys in Devon - but pepper maggots and cutworm have been my biggest adverseries without a doubt. But mother nature is really an amazing thing... and I must say that even though there have been other pests like aphids... those Ladybugs were real troopers and kept them all in check... anyway - I'm rambling. You are in for a treat when your season starts (soon) - I look forward to reading your glog!

oh yeah, there's Indian take outs and restaurants all over some cities as well as hydro shops on most retail parks. It's big business over here. Mostly used for growing non chilli related plants :shame: , there's always someone growing and then getting busted in every city over here.

Devon is right next to Dorset (where the dorest naga comes from) so there is quite a big following for hot peppers down here. I'm growing indoors this season but next season will be moving back closer to our land, which is situated in the north west of the uk. It's not that far from where a lot of premiership football players own house's so it's quite a posh area - not that I am posh at all, far from it! lol. But it's good because the folks up there are used to doing the weekly shop and farmers markets rather than the supermarket and are prepared to pay for quality also. So will certainly be setting up a stall at some point - maybe not a weekly jobbie but certainly the big calender events.

Another thought I have is to grow small pepper trees for hire. These could be used in stead of the traditional bay trees used at weddings and such. I have been speaking to a few florists for awhile now and they seem to like the idea. They also like the idea of having pepper bouquets for the brides also but that is a bit further down the line yet. So yeah loads to go at next year.

No monkeys in devon other than the two small ones I raise every day otherwise know as the children :lol:

Looking forward to sitting down with a brew and catching up on the weekend pictures of your glog, always a pleasure.

Cheers Lourens

Hi Pete,

I spent some time in Newbury, Berkshire... Reading had one of those shops you were talking about, just off the main road lol The law is a little fuzzy about said banned narcotics that people grow in their homes I believe. Someone told me it is legal to buy the seeds from those shops. It's legal to plant those seeds from those shops and its legal to grow plants from those seeds. What makes it illegal is the intake of the substance from those plants. It's a wee bit crazy really.

Great idea about hiring plants out. Some chilli plants are a wee bit delicate. I imagine this would only be the ornamentals and hardier plant types like the Frutescens.

Yea, I have also got two monkeys, although they go no where near the vegetable garden if they can help it. I had to bribe them yesterday to help me.

I will probbly only get to load pics tonight. I didn't get much time to pick chillies yesterday. I also had the kids with me, so it is difficult. Anyway... I do have some pics and will upload later. Even though I only had three hours, I have a table full of chillies again. I only got to pick the specialsed ones. I didn't pick any of the general chillies (as I call them) - the big Peri's that will make the backbone of my sauces. Will have to come to collect those during the week. Leaving them on won't be a bad thing... let them go really ripe!

I have been looking at big pots and bottles. I have my eye on a 55l or 100l pot. I am also thinking of bottling sauces in 125ml bottles. That is 400 bottles max. 200 mild and 200 hot. I can get the bottles for about .20c. Not sure if this is good at all. I need to buy a chest freezer now - I have completely run out of space to freeze chillies! My seed stock is almost full. As mentioned, I am aiming for 100 packets... still extracting seeds - man that is a pain is the derriere!
Ok, so just a set of picks to get the ball rolling... I have got to go see the Cricket today (shame) - South Africa vs Pakistan. Should be good.

In any case, I have not shown you this before, but I have been monitoring this plant for a while now. It does look like a hybrid of sorts. Its a Haba and looks to me like a hybrid between a white Haba and an orange Haba, resulting in this off white peach coloured Haba. Which I think looks quite awesome. I can't wait to try this pod I picked. I know last year I got a batch of big white Habs from my friend in Cape Town and amazingly they had absolutely no heat... but had the most amazing flavour! I am hoping that this pod - if it has hybradised with an orange haba, will have a nice zing to it! I will let uou know.




Ok, so this is where I need some of your help guys. I found this ripe pod on one of my plants. This plant was among some Red Habs. I had thought that this might have been a Hab Lantern... but now that it has changed colour, it is clearly yellow.


All pods have the same shape... this teardrop shape.

Is it an Aji of sorts... lemon drop?
Yeah would definitely be ornamental's for the plant hire etc - wouldn't want to make any brides blush :oops: lol

The peach/orange/white habs are brilliant. So big also. If they have a bit of a zing and not too much they would go real nice from salads etc, bringing some nice colour to the plate. Would make a lovely sauce colour also - kinda like the colour when you add creme fresh to a tomato sauce. Over here we'd call it Chicken Tikka colour! Lovely!

I think the yellow pepper may be a Datil or Fatali. More on the side of a Datil. I think the Aji lemon has a more curved bottom tip then the pepper shown. The Fatali looks slightly more wrinkled but the Datil looks very similar to your pepper. But I'm rubbish at ID'ing peppers so don't take my guess for gospel.

Still can't believe the size of those peach habs - they are like the size of a sweet pepper something like the cali wonder pepper we get over here in all the supermarkets. Love it!
I will do a taste test this afternoon. But it has the most amazing Grapefruit scent from outside... totally awesome!

Correction: Ruby Grapefruit!

I think you are right on the Datil. How do I end up with a Datil. Never bought the seeds - have no clue lol
Nice harvest pics. That looks just like my Peach Habanero. The green pods are really pale, almost white and when they ripen they go through two shades of peach, the second one slightly darker. Heat is like a Habanero.
Thanks Megamoo... Peach Habanero does sound right. Cant get over the smell on the outside at the mo... just like Ruby Grapefruit! Amazing...

The Nagalah is going full steam... not many pods, but rapidly changing colour. From th etaste test I did on the first pod, it does have very much a Naga flavour... really great taste. Good heat, although the first pod was a little milder than expected. Amazing orange colour though!




7Pod Changing colour...





Naga Kings still not showing any hint of changing colour. I'm beginning to think that maybe this is the colour they are supposed to be? lol




Can someone give me a bump please :)
Douglah coming on in pods... really looking forward to this one. Apologies, plant pic is a wee bit blurry.



The Red Fatalii is looking great from a far but far from looking great close up. Unfortunately something is attacking it. Nibbling holes in the pods... every ripe pod has been nibbled on... man its irritating... I just want to taste the pods so I can see the difference between red and Yellow :)

Since you only see your garden on the weekends, from what I gather, who actually raises your garden for you. They seem to be capable growers.
Nice pics Lourens :)

About that hab - I also think it is Peach Habanero.

Dont know where did you get the seeds from, but I bought some Red Hab seeds last season and got those Peach Habs as result.

Heat was classic hab, but I didnt like the taste, there was just not much taste to it.
Since you only see your garden on the weekends, from what I gather, who actually raises your garden for you. They seem to be capable growers.
Armac, I find your post quite insulting to say the least. I have grown every plant single handedly from seed. Planted, transplanted and fertelized every plant myself. Apart from mother nature and the guys that water the plants when I can not, the plants do their own thing. If you have read the glog from the beginning you would know this!

JonahXButchT loads of flowers...


Loads of flowers, great looking plant, but jury still out on this one. Either its a Peach Long or a ButchTxMoruga... only time will tell.


Nice pics Lourens :)

About that hab - I also think it is Peach Habanero.

Dont know where did you get the seeds from, but I bought some Red Hab seeds last season and got those Peach Habs as result.

Heat was classic hab, but I didnt like the taste, there was just not much taste to it.
Hi MisterNo, thanks for dropping in! I think Peach Haba fits the bill. I was even saying to my girlfriend that it looks peach in colour. But it certainly was among the seeds I harvested from Red Habas last year. I know none of them were peach in colour... so this must be a throw back or mutation :) All the same, I like it!
Lourens, you have to stop posting so much great stuff ... I come here and use up all my "Like This" allotment for the week, lol. Great stuff mon keep dat great grow going :) Have you tried the Douglah yet? I love the taste on the red ones, wasn't sure on the color of yours from the pics. Have a great week mon!