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Perlite Question

So I've mixed up perlite in my soil for my containers and when I water I notice a considerable large amount of the perlite floats to the top. Is this normal ?
Try pumice instead of perlite. Lava rock can be a substitute also, if you do not want the perlite floating that is.
I actually run all 3 in my soil mix for differing drainage and air/nutrient retention.

miguelovic said:
Everything floats down here..

Mulch will slow things down a bit.
They ALL float.
Man I want to make a paper boat so badly right now!
If you use the white Pomice I use (small sized-1/16 - 1/8th in.),sift or better, wash it first.
It has a lot of dust that is almost like plaster of paris when wet or if sand is in the mix.
I use perlite and Pomice for weight in my pots.
Santa Anna winds blow over light weight pots.
+/- I use 3 parts bark,1 part peat,1 part Pomice,1 part Perlite.
Soil lasts 3-5 years.
I top every year with new mix with time release ferts and new soil.
Re mix the soil that degraded...
I use Fish emultion,Seaweed extract and witches brew whenever I water.
Witches brew is a Ca/Mag homebrew.An acetate.
Easily obsorbed by leaves and roots.Not as dependant on soil PH.
Make it with Dolomite lime powfer and 5% white vinegar.