peroxide in a hydro system question.

was wondering if it is safe to add benificial bacteria products after a period of time when using hydrogen peroxide in my dwc system?
Good question! Hydro peroxide is used to control fungus/mold. I think it would be ok to use and would not interfere with the bene bact.
But I can't say for sure and have never tried hydro but plan on it soon. Sorry I can't give you a definite answer.
wel it definity kills the good stuff as well as the bad . but after a while it should stabilize and just be water . thats were im kinda unsure.
I don't use beneficial bacteria, but every time I do a water change I add 1 cap(5ml?) of hydrogen peroxide for every gallon to prevent that nasty slime. I haven't had a problem yet. Again I don't use beneficial bacteria so I can't really answer your question, but also tell you that it doesn't harm the plant.

, Walter
As long as you re-innoculate after every use of hydrogen peroxide you'll be fine.  As an unstable molecule (H3O) hydrogen peroxide breaks down quickly, you'd easily be fine adding it the next day, depending on how much you use it should be fine a couple hours later.  It's kinda running in two different directions though, one of the purposes of applying beneficial microbes is that they out compete pathogens and protect our plants.  So using hydrogen peroxide does the same thing but in the opposite manner, by killing all life and making a sterile environment.  Generally people choose one or the other as they're counter productive to the other.
I always used Hygrozyme in my DWC buckets and never had any problems even with the water temps near 78°. I'm pretty sure it doesn't kill bennies plus it keeps bad stuff away.
Hygrozyme works in conjunction with beneficials, and the two are quite complementary.  It's an enzyme product that speeds up breaking down dead tissue, reducing the chance of infection by pathogens and feeding microbes in the process.  Especially in DWC where it's easy to get brown, soggy roots from low oxygen, hygrozyme and beneficials come into their own.