personal messenger page

I'll suggest you take screennshots the next several times you go into your PM, and if you decide they're different other than content, post a few so we can see what you're talking about.

Caveat though: If you have messages waiting for you to read them, you'll first go into an unread messages area, from which you can then navigate to all PM's. If you've read all your messages, however, you'll just go into the all messages area. I've never seen PM behave any differently from that.
It just started 3-4 days ago, one time it's normal,the next time the boxes that say folders, storage and, search messages are huge. ( all the way across page,and big)
and the message area is small like the said boxes usually are. Then some combo of normal and said other. Will take pictures next time and try to post. Thanks Emon069