Peruvian Serlano review - from Romy6

Yes, serLano. Many thanks to Jamie for sending me a box of pods with this in there. It`s taken me far too long to edit the video, so sorry for that Jamie. 
This is another wonderful tasting pepper. The heat level on this one was low, but they tend to average around Jalapeño-hot. It really does smell of cherries and sweet tomatoes, with a background aroma of typical C.chinense smell.
Ah it not a super hot who cares lol
No just kidding never hear of this variety before looks kinda cool smells like a cherry makes me think of making ice cream with it of course have to add something hotter with it maybe some bhut powders
Nigel said:
Excellent. I love stories about chiliheads in training. I like this pepper a lot, so glad you got to try one.
Tried 1? i ate three in a row. Might have a couple more right now Asa night cap.
Just got to try my first one today thanks to romy6 as well. Delicious! Even my wife liked it and said it wasn't very hot, so definitely a low heat pepper. 
I had some that I put in a mixed species aji sauce
never tried one by itself
I was surprised when you said it was a Chinense as I always thought it was a baccatum?? I could be wrong