pests Pest Control


Okay, so overnight, I seem to have had an aphid frenzy on some of my jalapeno and bhut plants. the other plants dont seem to be as bad. I am considering neem oil concentrate. Any advice or opinions on this? I totally got rid of one plant. It was bad.
you have to look closely at your plants each day...if you see some shiny spots on the tops of the leaves, look under the leaf on top of that leaf and you will find aphids...

the shiny spots on the leaves are droplets of honeydew the aphids produce....

if you ever let them get out of control thats where the trouble starts...check out post 175 of this thread....

I started with one aphid on day one and at day 30, there will be over 8000....IMO if you don't catch them before day 21, you are screwed...
Thats exactly what caught my eye. I had a shining jalapeno. I was like thats cool. Wait.... Thats wierd... Oh no!! Its bad!!!!!!!! So I will be neeming them every 7 days until its under control.
Aphids... my worst enemy. True nemesis!

In my last 4 years of growing I always end up with fighting for my plants life against hordes of aphids.
Have to say that I never won the war.

Last year was my best, I manage to control them with a soap water and tobacco and alchool infusion.
Nevertheless in the end of the season I had to trash my plants because of the eggs they leave on the plants and that are harder to destroy.

Everyone says that neem oil works great so if you can find it then thats the way to go.

Wish you luck
