pests Pest Identification - plz help my baby

So I've got another issue coming up on some baccatum babes that were overwintered. These fellas have survived an incredible aphid infestation, and I'd hate to see them go down to this. Anyone recognize this? 

It's cropped up in the past 2 days. Should I cut out all the effected area? 

Some close ups for yall
Doesn't appear to be pests or nutrients to me. Looks like some type of viral or bacterial spot, but I can't pinpoint exactly which one. I hope I am wrong.
I'm afraid that looks like a terminal condition.

Edit: keep that thing away from your other plants if you have any.
That looks like a fungus.  Definitely separate it from your other plants.  Copper sulfate is a folular spray that was effective in stopping something similar I had on some hydrangeas.  Don't wait.  Also send some pictures to your County extension agent for id and treatment.  Is that container grown?  Make sure you use a mulch to prevent bad microbes from splashing on the leaves.  Also if you build your own compost, a tea will help build the helpful microbes that keep that kind of stuff away.
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I am no expert in plant diseases, but it does look a bit like some sort of anthracnose, to me.
I'd try to have that diagnosed locally, if I were you.  Do you have an ag extension office in your area?