Pest on all of my chiliies

Hello hot pepper people. I have recently discovered scales and mites on my chilli plants and they are laying eggs and eating and destroying the plant. Could I please have some help on eradicating these pest

Little green bugs

They disguise well
To me I see aphids too. How did you determine you have mites?
For aphids, I use azamax. It wipes aphids out. I hear dr bonners Castile soap works very well too.

I hate them lil bastards. Every three weeks I spray azamax, or they will come back.
Look like aphids from here.
Your plants are still small.  Try touching the buggers with a q-tip dabbed in a pyrethrin based insecticide.  (Just about any will do.)  The swab doesn't need to be dripping with the stuff, just damp.  (Drops of insecticide on the leaf may damage the plant.)   'Tag' as many as you can find, then repeat the next day to get any survivors and noobs.  Once the population is knocked back, you can probably get by with twice-weekly inspection and repeat treatments.
Alternately, find a 'bug bomb' fogger.  Modify the mechanism (usually by trimming a plastic tab) so that the trigger doesn't lock when activated.
Position the fogger 2~3 feet below the plants and briefly, lightly, mist the plants from below. Again, you don't want to wet the leaves - just a hint of the stuff will kill most of the critters.  Repeat as needed.
IMO, of course!
If it is indeed scales, I might be able to help you. I recently had to deal with these and found a mixture of about 1 part canola oil to 3 parts water is very effective. Mix the water and oil in a spray bottle and spray the soil, turn the plant upside down and drench it, then do the topside of the plant. Shake the spray bottle as you apply to keep the oil suspended in the water. I repeated the process a week later and have yet to see them come back. I did notice a fair amount of the leaves were stressed a bit from the treatment, but the plant is doing fine. I think once the scales are gone for a month, giving the plant a shower to remove the oil would be a good idea.
This was not done on peppers, but I don't see why it wouldn't work on them.
I extract as much a spossible with a tissue, then i fill soft soap and water in a spray bottle and wet the whole plant. Let this stay for a bout an hour and rinse it with water.  
 And keep the earth away from the soap water.  
When you finished, extract the top layer of your plant earth.