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review PexPeppers To The Moon Hot Sauce Review

So first I would like to start off with a big thank you to Pex... He was kind enough to send me a bottle of his "To The Moon" hot sauce.
This sauce is awesome... He really makes a good sauce. The aroma smells like bbq or Worcestershire sauce, as my mother and grandmother say.  That aroma is caused by smoked Bhut Jolokias. Lovely smell and would pair very well with any type of meat, be it beef, pork or wild game. I put quite a bit on a hamburger WOW was it :hot:... It tastes exactly how it smells, HEAVENLY  :party: . Has a great heat to it, the kind that lingers around in your mouth and throat for 30 minutes. It's amazing what he did with the sauce, it's very simple ingredients but it made for a very complex flavor. I am hooked... I recommend any of his sauces. He also makes Jelly, pickles, and sells his father's or his grandfather's honey. 
Great job PexPeppers!
Great review. I haven't tried the To The Moon yet but I've got 3 bottles of it sitting on the shelf. This one is probably next on my list to be cracked open. I haven't found a sauce of Pex's yet that I don't like. Still need to try his scorpion jelly and pickles. Pex is a master when it comes to sauces. 