• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

WG off-da-wall random thoughts continue ….

I love that “nothing goes to waste” attitude. I even use the coffee pot rinse in the garden and bellow at my better half when she toss it :D Here they charge you as much for the water going out as they do coming in :/

Interesting how one of your viper’s turned out green VS purple and I agree, can’t wait to see the pod out of it and the others! Hmm that Zimbabwe bird looks very interesting, might look nice on one of my dips ;) I don’t have to tell you that everything looks beautiful, green and lush with quick growth, but what the heck I will and it does! Just makes me think ... are you sure that you are in the right business being an electrician ;) Well I guess if you weren’t the grow room would not be brighter than pool side by WalkGood’s, lol

Greg, great look on the Goats Weed, I can’t wait to see them outside reaching for the sun, well as mi Jamaican Brethren say “soon come mon.” :D And speaking of Jamaica, you got some mighty fine JA’s growing, love dat JA Hab ;) Dem bonnets, MoA’s (didn’t see a pic this time but I’m sure they’re kickin some azz), Dam there’s loads of heat in dem try’s with all the red scorps, yellow brains, prrimos, congo, etc. etc. … … you have a pepper bomb going on and soon will explode with even more growth and dat heat, wow! Love what you’re doing with my girls, they told me you’re certainly a gentelmon, lol !!!

Ok runnin out of THP space so here’s some fast bullets in closing:
  • Cumari’s look as Billy Crystal says, “looking marvelous”
  • That picture of Sunny is sensational, really very nice
  • Last but not least, don’t want to get started on that 7/pot lamb kabobs or I’ll be looking for real estate near you … you don’t want me dropping by out of the blue every week asking “hey what’s the dinner for the weekly update,” heheheheheh and hahahaha! Don’t think I’m kidding, dem kabobs look better than mine, in fact they look breathtaking!
Keep that positive vibration going and everything will be alright ♪ ♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪

Edit: was just thinking, THP should have a "love dis" button next to that "like this" button as I would have pressed the first for that plate out. Might not be a bad idea to have a "hate this" one too for some of those crazy posts like mine, lol ...
[sup]Greg, I don't know what is more impressive, the grow, the culinary excellence, or the 5 star presentations! [/sup]

Thanks Steve, Just trying to keep this glog fresh.

I read the whole thing... When I tried to skip ahead, someone posted something like "Wow, that pizza looks great"...

""There was pizza too!?"

Awesome plants, awesome food. I am so hungry right now.

Thanks Spiral_ out,

Welcome to the site and my glog.......although the plants are indoors for now, come May they'll be picking up speed outdoors. At that point "My Garden will be Cooking"...and most of the food prep will include spice from the garden.
Not exactly the"Flint-Stone-Age" portion but this 30oz "Prime Dry-Aged Rib-Eye" will be Rock-in when I get through with it!

Ingredients: Red Potato, Chives, Baby Spinach, Olive Oil, Sour Cream, Mascapone Cheese, "Steak", Cherry Wood (for smoking), Nutmeg, Smoked Douglah and Chipotle Pods (ground up for steak rub), Pink Hawaiian Sea Salt............Yaba-Daba-Doo !

Sear Steak with grill lid down for 5 minutes a side over burner's flanked by Cherrywood. I don't know whats hotter the Molton-Lava Douglah rub or the small fire in the grill........... :lol: . Some of you are probably thinking, why didn't I soak the wood? I kept it dry for the added heat (800+ deg) and to permeate the meat before the fibers close. If I were doing the "Low and Slow" roast, then I would have wet down the wood and cooked it for the lond duration.... Bake the Red Potato at 450 indoors or on the grill for about an hour, until crusty on the outside, fluffy on the inside...
douglah dry-rub?!!! :fireball: You are adventurous/courageous :shocked: :D Everything looked dee-licious as well Greg.
Greg brother...you make all this look so easy! The plants, the pics, the food...heck even your cat that doesn't eat your plants! Those Jamaican reds from Ramon and that cumari are a couple of my favorites so far! I could spend all day on your glog studying the amazing photos. Can't wait for some harvest shots out of your pepper forest!

Shane , What's Shakin?

I know, the plants from the fan.......ha
I'm glad you like what you see. The are thoughts appreciated coming from the "Garden Green Grocer" that you are.

The cat doesn't eat the plants,just the catnip. He use to steal the plant tags though

I'm getting hyped up on the thought of getting the plants outdoors late April/early May.

Tanx for stopping here !

Love the GLOG Pic1, you are certainly a master at this. May I ask you your secrets for keeping the plants bushy? I have tried to keep T5HO's barely above my starts but they just keep getting leggy and grow up into the lights. I saw a comment about air circulation, thats one thing I havent tried in my mini-greenhouse. How intense is the air circulation you use? Any other tricks for the smal bushy pepper plant?

Hey erikjlee,

No trade secrets here, as my dad once said," Share the info, you can't take it with you". One key is to get the sprouts close intense light right out of the gates. I keep the T8 bulbs as close as an inch, sometime closer. Higher temp bulbs help. I use 6500k in the T8's and 7200k in the metal halides.

Foliar feeding does the trick also. If you drench the soil or bottom feed you will be encouraging the plants to excel, especially if the Phosphorus and Potassium levels are higher than the Nitrogen. I like to mist with Fish Emulsion and Epsom Salts once a week,.

I use 24/7 light until the plants get potted up for the 1st time...usually when the 3rd or 4th set of leaves appear. The lights get backed down...or the plants get moved to an area where they receive 16 on and 8 hrs off.

If your plants get leggy from the start then its difficult to contain the shorter node between branches.
Theres more to this...but I hope the small amout of info helps you in the future. Various species also have different growth habits...


Love the looks of those Maui Purple plants! Cumari Pollux is it? Looks very nice...

The Maui's will stay purple if grown in direct sun outdoors.
Your plant it is........one of a few I have growing..
Hey erikjlee,

No trade secrets here, as my dad once said," Share the info, you can't take it with you". One key is to get the sprouts close intense light right out of the gates. I keep the T8 bulbs as close as an inch, sometime closer. Higher temp bulbs help. I use 6500k in the T8's and 7200k in the metal halides.

Foliar feeding does the trick also. If you drench the soil or bottom feed you will be encouraging the plants to excel, especially if the Phosphorus and Potassium levels are higher than the Nitrogen. I like to mist with Fish Emulsion and Epsom Salts once a week,.

I use 24/7 light until the plants get potted up for the 1st time...usually when the 3rd or 4th set of leaves appear. The lights get backed down...or the plants get moved to an area where they receive 16 on and 8 hrs off.

If your plants get leggy from the start then its difficult to contain the shorter node between branches.
Theres more to this...but I hope the small amout of info helps you in the future. Various species also have different growth habits...


Misting with fish emulsion? Wow, that's pretty hardcore. I think my wife would shat bricks if I started doing that! She complains about the "stench" of fish emulsion as it is. I have some 'Alaksa Morebloom' fish emulsion here which is 0-10-10 (the regular stuff is 5-1-1, got a bottle of that too). So it sounds like I would bottom water with the 'Morebloom' and mist with it as well as epsom. I'm guessing you use a higher dilution that whats reccommended?

I was doing the 16/8 light schedule last year, but to keep em bushy the 24 hr light makes sense. I always thought plants needed a dark cycle but after some reason it would seem peppers do not. I will also turn those lights on before the first sprouts come up, I think last year I missed it by a day so they started reaching out right away. Great info Greg, I really appreciate it! I hope to finally have a crop of peppers worth bragging about.
WG off-da-wall random thoughts continue ….

I love that “nothing goes to waste” attitude. I even use the coffee pot rinse in the garden and bellow at my better half when she toss it :D Here they charge you as much for the water going out as they do coming in :/

Interesting how one of your viper’s turned out green VS purple and I agree, can’t wait to see the pod out of it and the others! Hmm that Zimbabwe bird looks very interesting, might look nice on one of my dips ;) I don’t have to tell you that everything looks beautiful, green and lush with quick growth, but what the heck I will and it does! Just makes me think ... are you sure that you are in the right business being an electrician ;) Well I guess if you weren’t the grow room would not be brighter than pool side by WalkGood’s, lol

Greg, great look on the Goats Weed, I can’t wait to see them outside reaching for the sun, well as mi Jamaican Brethren say “soon come mon.” :D And speaking of Jamaica, you got some mighty fine JA’s growing, love dat JA Hab ;) Dem bonnets, MoA’s (didn’t see a pic this time but I’m sure they’re kickin some azz), Dam there’s loads of heat in dem try’s with all the red scorps, yellow brains, prrimos, congo, etc. etc. … … you have a pepper bomb going on and soon will explode with even more growth and dat heat, wow! Love what you’re doing with my girls, they told me you’re certainly a gentelmon, lol !!!

Ok runnin out of THP space so here’s some fast bullets in closing:
  • Cumari’s look as Billy Crystal says, “looking marvelous”
  • That picture of Sunny is sensational, really very nice
  • Last but not least, don’t want to get started on that 7/pot lamb kabobs or I’ll be looking for real estate near you … you don’t want me dropping by out of the blue every week asking “hey what’s the dinner for the weekly update,” heheheheheh and hahahaha! Don’t think I’m kidding, dem kabobs look better than mine, in fact they look breathtaking!
Keep that positive vibration going and everything will be alright ♪ ♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪

Edit: was just thinking, THP should have a "love dis" button next to that "like this" button as I would have pressed the first for that plate out. Might not be a bad idea to have a "hate this" one too for some of those crazy posts like mine, lol ...

Ramon I have to clean off my reading glasses...
You always have alot to read........and I don't want to miss a word............. :cool:

Coffee, grounds, paper filters are all good for the garden and compost. Plant material composts well also...as long as its not contaminated.

Ha.........Current-ly I'm an electrician ...I may volt to do something different when I retire....4 more years.......tic...tic...tic...

i make sauces from my Peri- Peri, Thai-Birds and Hawaiian Chili's.........and while I'm in the garden I'll munch on a couple for the instant punch of quick but short lasting heat.

And for the rest of your comments..........WOW!
If you're ever up North in Chi-Town give me a hollar ahead of time.......we can get some members together and hook up for a cold one or two.

Have a great week !
Absolutely beautiful grow you have going. Your setup is practically awe inspiring.

Are those 24 cell deep inserts for 1020 trays?

Thanks for the kind words.
The inserts will fit width wise but the standard flats are 22/22.5 long. These inserts are for the shorter greenhouse trays about 16". I end up with extra room in the flats . I like the inserts though because they're 4" deep and the plants can be moved up to 5" or 1 gal pots easily

Misting with fish emulsion? Wow, that's pretty hardcore. I think my wife would shat bricks if I started doing that! She complains about the "stench" of fish emulsion as it is. I have some 'Alaksa Morebloom' fish emulsion here which is 0-10-10 (the regular stuff is 5-1-1, got a bottle of that too). So it sounds like I would bottom water with the 'Morebloom' and mist with it as well as epsom. I'm guessing you use a higher dilution that whats reccommended?

I was doing the 16/8 light schedule last year, but to keep em bushy the 24 hr light makes sense. I always thought plants needed a dark cycle but after some reason it would seem peppers do not. I will also turn those lights on before the first sprouts come up, I think last year I missed it by a day so they started reaching out right away. Great info Greg, I really appreciate it! I hope to finally have a crop of peppers worth bragging about.
Ha........If the fish smells bad then don't eat it !.......My cats run in the other direction...
Too bad for the plants.......they have to wear it..
I use the 5-1-1. . One small capful in a qt size misting bottle diluted with water. . I
make sure the fans are off when misting any liquid. I also bottom water with a highly diluted amount of liquid Kelp.

Its better to over dilute than to give the plants a little extra boost...burn.

I plant my seeds 1/4" deep. Any less they will topple over when emerging ( the tap root needs a footing) .any deeper the seed has the chance to rot with excessive moisture.
I've been working my way through your glog for a few days now in my spare moments. Totally worth it. As always Greg, looks incredible! And the food... my stomach is grumbling but I need to go to bed.
I'm up late because I just began soaking my seeds for planting tomorrow. Just wanted to say thanks again for the awesome variety of seeds you sent me. I'm very excited to see how they turn out, and if I can get them to germinate well I'll be sharing plants with some of the guys from the church, which will be awesome too. Thanks again!
Plants are looking great Greg,the later start isn't hurting you a bit. I will be soaking some seeds soon and hopefully get "hooked" again. My favorite part of the grow is seed starting,and waiting for each one to pop keeps me interested. Have a good week.
Greg. Master chef. Master grower. You got the master plan. Shots look great!! I did a treatment of fish emulsion and had to keep them outside till the stench subsided. Continuing the positive vibes.

My M purples are starting to bud already only after being a couple inches. I think a lot of these guy might be root bound already
I dont know Greg, those plants may be sutting it pretty close to being ready for a May plant out ;) That green viper will be interesting to watch. You could start a pool on what color the pods will come out as. Now those kabob, dude, my wife's family is of Lebaneese heritage and that is right up our alley. Loving the home made Pita's. I like to take them and cut them into fourths then stick them in the overn till they're crisp and use them with my home made hummas.

have a great week,
douglah dry-rub?!!! :fireball: You are adventurous/courageous :shocked: :D Everything looked dee-licious as well Greg.

Now I'm getting hungry thinking about that. ........HA
One thing about a 21 or 28 day dry-age steak , no matter how you cook it whether its Black and Blue or done to one's liking there will be no juice running all over the plate. That's why I occasionally by one of those when I have a taste for the "bestest burger" around. I'll grind it up myself and cook it almost med/rare... no juice leaks out and makes the bun soagy cause it be dry-aged...
The Rib-Eye tasted great with the Douglah Powder...............I cleaned the meat right off the bone.....it was dee-licious !

I've been working my way through your glog for a few days now in my spare moments. Totally worth it. As always Greg, looks incredible! And the food... my stomach is grumbling but I need to go to bed.
I'm up late because I just began soaking my seeds for planting tomorrow. Just wanted to say thanks again for the awesome variety of seeds you sent me. I'm very excited to see how they turn out, and if I can get them to germinate well I'll be sharing plants with some of the guys from the church, which will be awesome too. Thanks again!

Thanks for the vibes....
Good luck with all that seed starting biz, I too have some seeds soaking. I went through a bunch of annuum packets last night. It was either that or watching the "Oscars"..............ha. I listened to it in the background..........the seeds are way too important.

I was contemplating on March 1st for the sweets and milds but I need to do the seeding in stages. Theres just too many and it becomes a chore after I try to deal with it too late in the evening.
I can't wait to see how the plants grow in your soil. Your plants from last season were huge. I'm growing mainly out of 15 and 20 gal containers this year. But I do have a plot elsewhere for some overflow...
I still can't find steady time to read everyones glogs.........one day it will be rainy...or snowy and I can sit back with a cold one and read on!

Take care bro.
Plants are looking great Greg,the later start isn't hurting you a bit. I will be soaking some seeds soon and hopefully get "hooked" again. My favorite part of the grow is seed starting,and waiting for each one to pop keeps me interested. Have a good week.

Hey J,
You're probably hitting it right on the money or the sweet part of the club with the timimg of the grow. The way I look at it there's still 8/9 weeks indoors before the thought of hardening off the plants. The plants will get plenty big by May 1st.

I too enjoy watching the seeds break through. I've got some New Mex varieties soaking in the cups right now. Once the starter mix absorbs the water I'm planting.........tomorrow will be a break day. Everythings been watered . More seeds to soak on Wednesday...

Greg. Master chef. Master grower. You got the master plan. Shots look great!! I did a treatment of fish emulsion and had to keep them outside till the stench subsided. Continuing the positive vibes.

Are you sure thats a Maui Purple. The leaves should look long and serrated narrow.
The plant looks more like a Black Olive........although if you say it could be rootbound then that could cause the deformity. Repot the thing and see what happen
Question for the pro...when do you start checking rootballs on the 5" pots? What size plants usually fill the pots? Just wondering if I will be able to hold off until plant out and go straight to 5-10 gallons or if I should start shopping for some 2# grow bags to move my keepers into soon???

Started to PM this question, but figured some other noobs like me might benefit from the info!
I dont know Greg, those plants may be sutting it pretty close to being ready for a May plant out ;) That green viper will be interesting to watch. You could start a pool on what color the pods will come out as. Now those kabob, dude, my wife's family is of Lebaneese heritage and that is right up our alley. Loving the home made Pita's. I like to take them and cut them into fourths then stick them in the overn till they're crisp and use them with my home made hummas.

have a great week,


The plants are growing like weeds. I could pot some up everyday, but the more I transplant the less room I'll have. I figure 8 more weeks and I can rebuild the hoop-frames which are 5' X 10'. There are 2 of them, the tomatoes will take the ride through first then the mature peppers which will be in 2 gal containers. I'm using a shade fabric during the sunny days to avoid "bleaching and burning" of the plant tissues. I hope to get some of your Florida weather up this way early May.

Flatbread is great right out of the oven....I'll clarify some butter with roasted garlic in it and brush the discs while they're warm . Smash up some Garbonzo's with roasted Red (hot) Peppers and plane some nutty cheese in it..........man,.......oh and a cold one .....just because.

Crisping them up sounds good and crunchy, that would fare up well with some of your dyno-mite hot sauce !


Question for the pro...when do you start checking rootballs on the 5" pots? What size plants usually fill the pots? Just wondering if I will be able to hold off until plant out and go straight to 5-10 gallons or if I should start shopping for some 2# grow bags to move my keepers into soon???

Started to PM this question, but figured some other noobs like me might benefit from the info!

Brother Shane,

You can check at any time, let the soil dry, squeeze all sides of the container and gently pull the plant out grabbing the stem at soil level. Sometimes the plant sticks just be careful. One key that the container is getting rootbound is that the container feels lightweight more often. If you're watering sooner than usual than the plant needs to be potted up. You can also tease the roots, shake all the soil off. Repot in the same container with fresh soil,, bottom feed with a rooting stimulator and your good to go for a few weeks. The roots will find their zone again and will travel towards the bottom of the container.

The problem with a large plant(s) indoors will be moving it outdoors and acclimating it to the wind. The fans do help indoors with the forceful air circ. but ouside the wind whips in all directions, sometimes all at once. I don't like the plants getting over 2ft indoors . The branches usually become extended, thin and the plant leggy. 1.5 ft is a good size to start hardening outdoors.

I still have some beauties in small 3" pots that can easily move to the 5" ones. But I'm holding off to slow the growth down a bit. Pot up and you're plants will run,,,,,,,,,Hmmm....that sounded kinda fishy. But you know what I mean. If you have the room move the healthiest plants to 1.5 trade containers or whatever the next size pot you have.
Ha........If the fish smells bad then don't eat it !.......My cats run in the other direction...
Too bad for the plants.......they have to wear it..
I use the 5-1-1. . One small capful in a qt size misting bottle diluted with water. . I
make sure the fans are off when misting any liquid. I also bottom water with a highly diluted amount of liquid Kelp.

Its better to over dilute than to give the plants a little extra boost...burn.

I plant my seeds 1/4" deep. Any less they will topple over when emerging ( the tap root needs a footing) .any deeper the seed has the chance to rot with excessive moisture.

Thanks for the tips! Got the chinese varities sowed and now the waiting begins. I've also been doing the diluted liquid kelp for regular watering of houseplants (pH adjusted as our water here is 7.5-8) and my onion seeds, seems to work so I will treat the capsicums to the same beverage. Keep up the good work on the glog!
Wow . . . Greg: ya owe me a shirt and some chap-stick for my chapped chin on those lamb kabobs, etc. in 7 Pod powder blend. Enough of that: simply gorgeous. The plants, phenomenal! Ramon's MoA's are outstanding: they get potted up this weekend! Supreme germination. Kevin wanted me to try the Cumari but am out of grow real estate if I expect maters and basils, varieties of dill.

Question: Do you plant directly into Dr. Earth HG with some inside-outside Osmo, and/or mix the D.Earth with Promix?

Oh and another cute one: I foliar ferted with the 5-1-1 fish mixed with tiny bit molasses. Thought that brought in couple fungus gnats. But really, really? Nope. I was so anxious to do this that the soil wasn't dry. (Me thinks I did a tad more than "foliar.") Hmm. S'okay: Bonide Pyrethrin and Mosquito Dunks have taken care of that problem and 3 floor fans won't cut it on shelf system (height and not height): just ordered two clip-on fans for upper and lower shelf.

Kevin mentioned Douglah powder mix and cherry wood with steak. If you wanna share, please PM with that powder blend mix :pray: Also, we can trade mater varieties as am trying out some heirloom that've never tried.

Also, I need you to send your cat, not coach, first class, to talk to my cats; I'll pay RT fare: caught them lying on a heating mat last night when I turned my back. I have a bazooka water gun and they've about learned that if they want basement privileges, they gotta be cool. I have them groomed, and then cut their nails more when they come home; I could just imagine some kneading on that big mat.

Lastly, being an electrician has afforded you this supreme grow area and wiring and light knowledge, growing expertize: 4 years? Please do this, if you want, in the sun that you mentioned. Sheer genius!

(Now to get something on my chin to prevent cracking from that lamb feast. :P )

P.S. Like those Ancient Sweets! Last year, crossed an Aconcagua with Marconi, bagged, tagged: we'll see if it's close. Peace, brother. Now I gotta go teach a class on Chaucer been promising colleague I'd pick up for him and it's last thing on my mind. Or chin! Annie