• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

wow ... this place is freaking ridiculous .... in a very good way .... loving that pulled pork recipe and the pods and plants are looking salubrious as always.
I had pulled pork for the first time in my life last year ... it certainly hasn't been my last time ... but that recipe would be something else all together ... unreal ...
Wow, things are looking awesome Greg!  Love the pulled pork.
I won't go into the hockey conversation, especially with the disparaging remarks against the Redwings you allow on this glog.  Just ugly.
That MoA shot was crazy.  If those all pod up you'll have to do a follow up shot.
Greg, that looks like a great Pulled Pork, could you actually taste the Morgans in it or was it just a part of the overall flavor of the sauce?
RocketMan said:
Greg, that looks like a great Pulled Pork, could you actually taste the Morgans in it or was it just a part of the overall flavor of the sauce?
Thanks Bill,
 I added the rum and brown sugar at the end to bring up the flavor. Yes you could taste the rum, alcohol was cooked off though. Sometimes I'll use Myer's Dark in a recipe....not in my glass............ :party:
Pulpiteer said:
Wow, things are looking awesome Greg!  Love the pulled pork.
I won't go into the hockey conversation, especially with the disparaging remarks against the Redwings you allow on this glog.  Just ugly.
That MoA shot was crazy.  If those all pod up you'll have to do a follow up shot.
Hey Andy,
The MoA branching is starting to spread like a weak defense...........oops.
I'll shoot some photos this weekend, I wish we had some of the East coast rain, but at least the day/evening temps are right for the plants.
Trippa said:
wow ... this place is freaking ridiculous .... in a very good way .... loving that pulled pork recipe and the pods and plants are looking salubrious as always.
I had pulled pork for the first time in my life last year ... it certainly hasn't been my last time ... but that recipe would be something else all together ... unreal ...
Hey Tripp,
I see you're getting ready for the new seasons grow. Good luck with that.....where did the last season vanish to.
Portuge said:
Wow just wow... Love the foodie pics and your always stepping it up a notch Greg.. Man that MoA is one funky plant...
another update this weekend...
HabaneroHead said:
Amazing pics, an recipe! I am definitely going to try it out. Thanks for sharing :-)
Amazing pics, and recipe! I am definitely going to try it out. Thanks for sharing :-)
Amazing pics, and recipe! I am definitely going to try it out. Thanks for sharing :-)
A Triple thanks ! back at cha
meatfreak said:
Awesome update again, Greg. I totally missed this one before, luckily I check your glog on a regular base :lol: Looks like the pod is gonna be even more elongated like it should, very exciting       :D
Hey Stefan,
You probably didn't miss the thread. I originally had the wrong photo with the right caption. The photo was a Fatalii x. I had to delete a few photos to get the food shots within the 9 photo max and I accidently deleted the M.Jeanette by mistake. The correct one is there. 
Been out and about up in NY. My, my, my you've been busy while I was gone!
The Scotch Bonnet x Yellow Brain is one mean looking hombre!
All of your plants are looking good and coloring up is way close.
Now that pulled Pork, gonna have to make that, looks fantastic!

I just want to start out by saying thanks to Matt (MGOLD86) for sending out some of his freshly dried/smoked powders. The scent of them filled the air as I approached the mail box. It didn't help by the  USPS damaging the envelope but they were able to  repack the contents in a new env. I'll .have to incorporate some of them in next weeks update....thanks again Matt 

The flower bed is starting to fill out. The 20 odd containers of peppers and some inground pepper plants are blending in well.

Here's a Bahamian Goat and a Red Scorpion........not many ripe pods yet but next month should be a good one.

Bahamian Goats......Brent (Fade to Black)

another version of the Bahamian Goat, these are more squat shaped

I'm giving the "Jamaican Hot Corner" a shot of Epsom Salts. I've been using 2 tbl to 1 gal water once a week. Early morning or at dusk.

Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet (2007 stk)

Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Ocho Rios mkt 2012)

Yellow Scotch Bonnet...Bahama's mkt ...Brent (Fade to Black)

"Bird Dung"....seeds from P-Son

Goats Weed .potted ..surrounded by an inground Fatali x Savina cross and a Shasta Daisey perennial.

Fatalii x Savina pods

Yellow Cardi x Bhut Jolokia pods, the top 2 haven't lowered "their pants" yet

Mulo de Tiro..............Orange Habs

Aye....the 1st Reaper.......I'm glad it doesn't have the shiney "Liberty Bell" look to it. More like the corroded bell look...

The Tomato plants in the back garden have grown to 5ft tall and getting loaded with fruit. The Annuum peppers keep producing as well.

Carmel Bhut...4 finger deep....a zip bags worth !

Butch T's.....this plant only had flowers last update now I can count over 20 pods. All kinds of shapes, but the lastest to sprout look more stable/tail
more photos later, after dinner.....lol
Holy smokes Greg! I need the whole weekend to get caught up man. I have got to make it down there to see that for myself. Just insane my man! Will be checking in very very soon to get all caught up! Fantastic work Greg!
Damn Greg, always got the great updates!  Cant wait for the updates over the next month or two...a lot more colorful photos coming soon!! 
Im glad that you got the powder, I haven't sent them in envelopes before...maybe back to bubble envelopes to ensure they stay closed!   But I am happy you got it man.
Greg your flower/pep bed is funkin' beautiful. I know you put tons of work into it (as well as everything around your house) I know your proud. It's just damn lovely brother. Love the bonnet gang. That reaper does look like you poured battery acid over it...lol. Everything's looking tip top! Nice update.