• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's............Pod-ography.............2013

  Good Eve-ning, and Welcome to my bog...glog !

Hey folks sorry for the late glog-up I'm a month behind last years startup,...... :rolleyes: ...... I still have 12+ weeks (plenty of time) before I can start think about hardening off the plants outdoors.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to those who followed my grow last season. Thanks for all the comments, thoughts and ideas. The chuckles we shared......there were some good laughs...(and especially all the criticisms........ :liar: .......hah)

To those who are new, I try to follow a "weekend update" format with photos and captions. Although if anyone has questions or replies that needs and answer or response I'll get back during the week. I hope to keep this interesting and entertaining...

and away we go!

Garden Rewind


Here's my 1st garden (1986)...it was modest but what we grew we used in our kitchen. I had a couple of dual bulb 4ft T12 fixtures in my basement. A couple grow-lux and daylight color temp bulbs. The indoor grow was far superior to the vegetable starts sold at the local nurseries.
My Italian neighbor couldn't understand why his bell pepper starts only had flowers while mine had golfball size peppers very early in the season.....The hot varieties I grew back then were the cayennes, orange habaneros, and a few different type or thai-birds. Things have changed but I still grow those varities.


Here's a shot from last season. I grew around 150+ pepper plants in two different sections of the garden. Plants were grown in raised beds and containers from 5 gal up to 20 gal


A typical weekend harvest shot from later in the season when the gardens at full swing.


This is one of my seed catalogs, the c.chinense....the seeds that invade our gardens every year...
This book and other seed catalogs are kept in a tupperware container container on a shelve in the corner of the basement.
No elaborate system needed, The seeds are kept in 1.5" zip backs. I have seeds that are as far back as 2007, and still germinating without a hitch....theres no need to pitch. Speaking of pitching theres some old baseball card to display the size of the pages used.


These are what I use to get the seeds on their way. I take 1/4 bag of each, mix that into a 5 gal bucket and moisten with water. The spagnum peat give fluff to the texture also helps indicate when the mix need to be re-moistened but the lighter color it displays. The vermiclite helps with water retension while letting the air and moisture through. The seed starting mix also has fine grain perlite to keep drainage and airflow moving.


Ha..........I knew this chop stick would come in handy someday. Once the seed medium is moistened I'll make a hole with the stick 1/4" down .
The seeds will be planted at the same depth. That helps when misting the top with water. Seeds that are planted too high may dry out or seeds planted to deep may rot.


I use two 2ft x 4ft germinating mats. Enough area to warm 8 seed flats at once...


I don't bother with a thermostat for the mats. I run them through a timer, 2 hrs on, 1 hr off...continous. The average temp of the soil stays at +/-85 deg


This is the main grow room. I built the 2 tier shelving units 8ft long x 2ft wide. 8 flats fit underneath the lighting units. Here we have four narrow spaced T8 4 bulb fixtures with 6500k bulbs and one 8ft TF twin bulb tight spaced fixture with 4100k bulbs. I have 4 identical systems in the room with an addition of three 400w mh fixtures with 7200k lamps. The room has 2- 20a dedicated circuits and 1-15a to split the current draw..

more photos in a few minutes....thanks for looking!
PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Pr0digal_son said:
Cool story Greg. The tour guys are great to see,for me,I enjoy the sound more than the visual ball flight. Those guys just make a completely different sound when hitting it. I am more of a historian in my old age than a player now. haha There is a lot of history behind The Western Open. With all the money involved,they have it in a rotation like back in the early days,which made it special back then. I'm guessing you were at Cog Hill? The revenue that an event generates is mind boggling. I know when they play the U.S. Open here at Oakmont,it's somewhere around 60-80 million....for a week!!!!
I was at Cog sometime in the late 90's, Tiger was there when he wasn't so "Woodzee in the Woods"
Beautiful and quite amazing harvest shots Greg!  We all know you are a pro...BUT DAYUUUM, 42 LBS?!?
Its awesome that you got a purple plant from the T Viper X Purple Bhut.  Mine turned out green and didn't make it to pot up (wasn't very strong looking plant and didnt make the cut).  It is also cool that the pods start purple and go red, really awesome. 
small update...

This is how fast the plants are ripening with the warmer day temps and the cooler nights. This plant was stripped of all color last Sunday.
Most plants are moving along the same lines....which means more harvesting this Sunday

Here's some Congo Trinidads....Gary (windchicken)

Red Dominicans

Group shot..........anyone seen "Sunny" the cat ?

Douglah's, this plant has huge leaves

a couple of UBSC

Heres an easy appetizer I took with to the pub last night.
Medjool Dates, Goat Cheese, Mascarpone Cheese, Peppered Bacon, German Stieglmeier Black Forest Ham, Brain St Peppers, Parsley,

Mix cheeses in a bowl with diced up Ham. Deseed peppers and fine dice, add to cheese mix. Add chopped parsley. Remove pit from Dates and spoon in small amout of cheese mix. Cut Bacon strips in half. Wrap Bacon around Dates and secure with tooth pick. Place seem side down, 425 deg oven for 12 min.

Heres the few that I left at home.....the rest went with me to the pub.....they also went....fast !
thanks for taking a look here.........no need for a bump,
I'll be around during the week with some more photos............have a great weekend !
Great to have you on and updating! Those dates look great! Sunny working his way into the back of the shot...sneaky little cat! Group shot has me jealous!
Amazing as always Greg!
Wow dem Dominican girls & Congo chicks look delicious, great photo’s mon! Back yard & Sunny shot is very cool and to think you have mas, awesome brethren.
I just finished breakfast and taking a look at your pub appetizer, dam I’m hungry all over again, great job with a beautiful presentation on da money!
Wishing you and yours an awesome weekend brethren :)
small update...

The flower bed with the mixed in pepper plants are both still rockin out with flowers and pods......how long will this last ?
Today was in the low 90's and tomorrow the same, but next week will be a learning curve with the weather.

"The Jamaican Hot Corner"............starting to cool off with new plant growth but the pods keep producing.
Any green pods at the end of the season will be pickled................yum

Here's that little "Biker Billy" that I top pruned and root trimmed to keep small for the photo shoot.
More like a ..."Tricycle Billy"

Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Orange Fatalii

Bahamian Goats.....Brent(Fade to Black)......I have 3 variations of Goats growing. These are the smallest of the bunch, but all the pods are shaped the same

White Fatalii

Orange Scorpions

Cappies Brain Strains....
a few more shots after dinner...

I'm finally getting some Indian Carbon's to ripen......I do like the taste of these

On the other hand the Primos are just biding their time......I might just have to "crack the pepper" to get things moving.................. :lol: 

This has been one of the coolest ripening pods,from black to burgandy.....The Purple Bhut x Naga Viper...

for those who like the scent and taste of a habanero but without heat......then you must try the Aji Venezolano. Similar the the Suave but a more intense hab taste.
Kind of like drinking a non alcoholic beer........... :D

Here's one of those African Birds.......started out banana creme color, now with some purpling, eventually turning red

Here's Sunday mornings harvest......almost a 5 gal bucket, around 10 lbs worth...

a closer shot with a White Fatalii in the center

The start to a salsa................16 lbs of San Marzanos from the yard,...peeled and chopped, both Red and Green Jalapenos, Serranos, Lumbre, Green Bell pepper and Cubanelle, Red and Yellow Onion, Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cumin, Mexican Oregano, Cilantro, Thyme, Smoked Praprika, Salt and Pepper. I brought the mix to a boil and then reduced it to a low simmer for 1/2 hr.. Cleaned And sterilized the pint jars, lids and rings. The final ph was 3.8. I added 1/4 tp of citric acid into each jar.....
I don't take any chances, ...prisoners,...or threats of botulism..............seriously......... :D 
The pints were processed in a water bath for 15 minutes with a 5 minute rest.........then racked overnight.

The final product........20 pints of a mild/medium salsa that anyone would enjoy...
thanks for checking this out,
I'll try to get some more photos this weekend...
Another great update, Greg. Plants are loaded so there's much more to come :D The color on that Purple Bhut x Naga Viper is awesome! The Fatalii White does stand out on your harvest pics :lol: Looks a lot like the ones I've grown last season, they are as elongated as regular Fatalii's but have a great look and taste. Thanks for posting your salsa recipe!! I've been looking for an good recipe since I got a lot of maters and this looks very tasty. Hope the weather helps out so you get to harvest more pods very soon.
Nice overcast day making for some awesome pics.Some S curve composition with the flower bed shot.Would be fun shooting your layout,my stuff is just sitting there growing. My inground stuff is no longer shootable,impossible to even harvest. I can still get some pics of containers,but those things have been shot to death,forget about suntanned pods,they have flash burn!

Have a fantastic week. Looks like these upper 80s are going to fall off fast.
Good luck with your weather Greg... it looks like the next couple of weeks are gonna be all over the map! The look of your plants has me drooling over here, and the canned salsa looks like it should have been in the magazine photo shoot as well. Good on ya!
stc3248 said:
Great to have you on and updating! Those dates look great! Sunny working his way into the back of the shot...sneaky little cat! Group shot has me jealous!
Amazing as always Greg!
Thanks Shane,
The cat still tries to put his paws on the door knob, but doesn't realize he can't open it...so I usually bring him out...lol
The containers are still moving along. I may decide to start yanking out some that may not produce into November. It's impossible to tackle most of the plants at one time.
WalkGood said:
Wow dem Dominican girls & Congo chicks look delicious, great photos mon! Back yard & Sunny shot is very cool and to think you have mas, awesome brethren.
I just finished breakfast and taking a look at your pub appetizer, dam Im hungry all over again, great job with a beautiful presentation on da money!
Wishing you and yours an awesome weekend brethren :)
I agree, the Dominican girls & Congo chicks....hehe, just have that thang going for'em. It's about time to get a few of them drunk in my "Smashed Red"....hot sauce, just have to pick up some clear spiced rum.
Devv said:
The group shot is simply awesome! Beautiful grow Greg! I'm sure Sunny has a ball playing in the back yard.
Liked the pub appetizer!
Cool Scott, thanks for the compliments...
This time of the year is just as fun as starting up the seeds.
The plants are on auto pilot...very little maintainance neede, an occasional watering and some pepper picking. I'm enjoying spending more time in the kitchen with the processing...
I'm not looking forward to the shutdown of the garden...seems like I just got it going...lol
FreeportBum said:
Great pictures, plant's look awesome and love the foodie pics!
Thanks for checking this out...more photos later in the week.
MGOLD86 said:
Great photos Greg!  And...tricycle Billys...LOL!
Aha...I might just bonchi billy or maybe just turn him into a unicycle...lol
romy6 said:
One word to describe you grow . WOW 
Dang Raymon you stole my punch line  :rofl:
:rofl: ......change it up a bit, remove the "W"....or add an "IE"............ :rofl:
meatfreak said:
Another great update, Greg. Plants are loaded so there's much more to come :D The color on that Purple Bhut x Naga Viper is awesome! The Fatalii White does stand out on your harvest pics :lol: Looks a lot like the ones I've grown last season, they are as elongated as regular Fatalii's but have a great look and taste. Thanks for posting your salsa recipe!! I've been looking for an good recipe since I got a lot of maters and this looks very tasty. Hope the weather helps out so you get to harvest more pods very soon.
Thanks Stefan,
I'd have to check, but the White Fatalii's might be from your seed stock.
The salsa turned out nice, the San Marzanos made it. The next week or two will be above average with the temperatures. We just need some rain, haven't had much at all the last few weeks..
Pr0digal_son said:
Nice overcast day making for some awesome pics.Some S curve composition with the flower bed shot.Would be fun shooting your layout,my stuff is just sitting there growing. My inground stuff is no longer shootable,impossible to even harvest. I can still get some pics of containers,but those things have been shot to death,forget about suntanned pods,they have flash burn!

Have a fantastic week. Looks like these upper 80s are going to fall off fast.
Yep J, you know it.........the ole saying was... "cloudy bright....photographers delight"
I've got alot of flower close-ups, but have hesitated to post them here, might just have to do that in the other growing forum.
Alot of my upper ods on the plants are getting some sun burn. Without any rain and the 90 deg temps the plants just wilt during the day and the pods are exposed.........makes is and easy picking though when it comes time to harvest... :lol:
Some of the containers are probably rootbound.
Your garden must be rockin.......I can see how tall your plants are...........Huge...
stickman said:
Good luck with your weather Greg... it looks like the next couple of weeks are gonna be all over the map! The look of your plants has me drooling over here, and the canned salsa looks like it should have been in the magazine photo shoot as well. Good on ya!
Thanks Rick, 
I'm just sitting back and letting the plants go, but at the 1st sign of any type of frost I'll be out well before stripping the plants. Most of my Thai will get left on the branches to sun dry. I've picked many off in the winter......snow or not. 
Thanks for the comments.
annie57 said:
Congrats, Greg on BH&G!  :party:  Love that Jamaican corner . . . heck, love it all!! Red MoA, huh? :dance: Cheese logs, brain wraps, and salsa are mag-stylin,' as usual!!
Hey Annie,
Yep, there's a bit of everything going on now........it's hard to believe, but  ..a couple months down the road the seeds will be hitting the dirt again