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Picked up a nice caribbean red plant today

I found a local nursery about 5 miles from work. Decided to check it out during my lunch hour. Much better offerings than Home Depot or Lowes. Now I know where to get all the organic stuff and, should I decide to do it, the items needed for AACT.

I checked out their plants. Huge plot of land. Most of their smaller pepper plants, however, looked pretty bad. But they did have three mature caribbean red plants. $9.99. I couldn't pass it up. Already loaded with pods, flowering, and one ripe red one.


Now my other plants have a role model, haha!
Looks awesome for $10. I would be careful with introducing a nursery plant into your garden though. I have gotten both aphid and spider mite infestations from nursery bought plants. I find it easier now to just grow everything from seed.
I envy your long growing season! A week ago I found two 4" tall red hab plants that had just started growing where I'd had a group of plants last year (stray seed must've remained behind) but there's little hope of getting mature pods from them before the cold fall nights kill them.
NICE! remember to quarantine first and get rid of the nasties.... if any!

I wish i can find caribbean reds here for RM10 haha
Thanks, guys. I checked it pretty thoroughly before bringing it home. No aphids, no crinkly leaves or copper discoloration that might imply mites, and the pods don't have any holes and are firm, not soft. I found one leaf with evidence of a leaf miner. I pinched off that leaf and left it behind on the counter at the nursery. That said, the plant is still in somewhat of a quarantine.

Dave2000, any chance of digging one or more of them up and potting them, then overwintering? Or too much trouble?
Thanks, guys. I checked it pretty thoroughly before bringing it home. No aphids, no crinkly leaves or copper discoloration that might imply mites, and the pods don't have any holes and are firm, not soft. I found one leaf with evidence of a leaf miner. I pinched off that leaf and left it behind on the counter at the nursery. That said, the plant is still in somewhat of a quarantine.

Dave2000, any chance of digging one or more of them up and potting them, then overwintering? Or too much trouble?
It's a matter of space. I overwinter what I can but these don't make the cut.