Picking buds, flowers falling..

Hi , 2 questions-
-How much do u guys recommend, getting rid of the first flower buds? does it actually give you best crops?
-Some plants are flowering and fruiting, while others only flower and then fall down? what can be wrong? (Im using an Aeroponics Set up with GH Total Bloom Formula)

I don't worry about pinching flowers, I only pinch any pod that forms. This saves a lot of work on the younger plants. It does help the plant to become better established, and in the end you should have a larger harvest.

The flower drop you are experiencing could be because the plant is not ready, temps are not right, nutrients are wrong or lacking. The other thing to remember is not every flower = a pod.
I never pinch the flower buds from my plants.
Then again I never had an extremelly small plant to start producing buds so its a problem I don't fully understand.

Are your plants producing flowers that early?
If not then just let mother nature do its magic.

Small to one, isn't to another. For me I go by the over all look and feel of the plant. If it is smaller then 12-14" tall, I generally pluck the pods, or only allow a small number to stay. Once the plant is larger then it's game time.
I pinch everything for at least a few months but I start plants early. There's no exact timing, I just want to develop big strong plants early on that can support tonnes of fruit a little later in the season