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pickling Pickled baby onions with chillies

I bet those will be nice sliced and put on pizza with sausage and peppers...
They look great HB. I have my late fathers handwritten recipe for pickled onions. He lived in Maidstone, grew shallots each year, and pickled them. He used malt vinegar. Do you? Of course, he didnt have any chillis to add.
kentishman said:
They look great HB. I have my late fathers handwritten recipe for pickled onions. He lived in Maidstone, grew shallots each year, and pickled them. He used malt vinegar. Do you? Of course, he didnt have any chillis to add.
Care to share that recipe?   :pray:   Or will the rest of your family disown you?
kentishman said:
They look great HB. I have my late fathers handwritten recipe for pickled onions. He lived in Maidstone, grew shallots each year, and pickled them. He used malt vinegar. Do you? Of course, he didnt have any chillis to add.
This is the first time I pickled onions. I'm not even sure if I like them. :D
I used 100ml of destiled vinegar and 100ml of ACV, with 200ml of water, bit of sugar, bit of salt, black peppercorns, some caraway, turmeric and handful of chillies I picked from the garden.
I'll stick it in the depths of the fridge to mature for couple of months or more before sampling.
Sounds like you didnt soak them first in salt brine. That draws water out of the onions. Dad used pickling spice from Boots.

Ill post the recipe in a few days (if I remember ).
kentishman said:
Sounds like you didnt soak them first in salt brine. That draws water out of the onions. Dad used pickling spice from Boots.

Ill post the recipe in a few days (if I remember ).
No I didn't and that is a mistake. I should've salted them and leave them overnight for salt to draw the water out. 
Oh well. Never mind, it's only one jar, no more than 20 baby onions in it. 
Really don't think that matters cucumbers are loaded with water and umm pickles... duh. Peppers too. ;) And pickling brine has...... water.
The Hot Pepper said:
Really don't think that matters cucumbers are loaded with water and umm pickles... duh. Peppers too. ;) And pickling brine has...... water.
Some claim that onions which are salted to draw moisture have a nicer 'crunch' while mine can end up being a bit soft and underwhelming. 
We'll see in couple of months. 
The pickling puts the water back in through osmosis... ;)
When making onion rings tho, I do salt to remove water.