Pic's look at these bad boy's......

I agree with all of the others that mentioned tasting all of them fresh. Fresh is best and that way you will know how each one really truly tastes.
i have eaten the chilli institue bhut and the trinidad scorpian and boy they where hot.... eye watering hot was too scared to eat the seeds..haha have frozen the others. Am seeing pete tomorrow and gonna get a bunch of them.. My camera i cannot find which is annoying because i only just got it in june on plane from florida. We had my wifes boss around for tea the other day and she tryed the dorset naga and she was hiccuping after about 4 seconds it was so funny..
i like the idea of poppers with them but will my stomach?? I have had a appendix op last year so am dubious but am addicted i will have to try over the course of a week or so coz i do suffer badly if i eat the seeds..
Booooo, not poppers, just raw. Why are you not interested in what all these taste like? At least nibble them.
i am interested in all of them but can get loads all the time when pete gets em so they are plenty. I love the taste of the bhut and the burn very long was very nice i found myself tapping my foot very qick!! Why is that??. We are going out for a thai meal tomorrow so will get some more from pete and get him to photo me eating some of his that he has.. What shall i choose on thai menu tomorrow i have to have at least one chilli thing it's a must? I do like the idea of poppers but i suppose i won't get the true taste as if eaten fresh and raw! You guy's can guide me .lol
i don't understand your fear of the seeds tristam.that part of the pod is the least hot (despite what these tv chefs might tell you).
the heat is in the placenta (or pith) which is often removed with the seeds when folk remove the seeds from a chilli.the seeds often taste bitter (if anything)as opposed to hot.
Capsaicin may develop in the placenta, but it is delivered to the pepper, and it is deceiving to say the heat is in the placenta. Basically the pepper is hot, the seeds less so, or not. The way you describe it, someone might assume the pepper flesh is not hot.
Omri said:
I personaly heard they're all insane!!!

Also I agree with the others, the dude should've eaten each one to see which was his favorite and to see if he could place a verdit on the hottest as there's gazillions of others that would love to have had that opportunity..
Well as for the chillis i had thai meal yesterday and had chilli overload.. I had some naga cashews in the morning before i went for the meal, Then i had tom yum soup for starters and for main i had a jungle curry.... boy was that hot!!! and last dibs last night i had some naga vodka.. pics on another thread.. boy did i pay for it at 3 am.. and tonight went out for curry with family and i had a whole load of chilli pickle and popadoms and i had a chicken ceylon and that was really hot but very tasty.. mmmmm roll on three ammm ....Will santa come if i get up for the loo at that time?

i will get some more from my mate after christmas and do a proper taste test for you guy's ok? i can get them when my mate gets them for his sauces so i will get handfull of each and do test for each one but over a couple of days or so..
were the cashews from chileseeds.co.uk?
if so, they're freakin' excellent - i've polished mine off toute suite, absolutely moreish....if not, where did you get them?
my mate pete is selling them... They are so hot but very tasty.. i gave a pack to my mum haha.. don't know if they on website but if you pm me i will try to get ya some..?
I just figured if someone was nervous about eating a whole scorpion pod at once they could warm up with a scorpion popper with cream cheese, maybe get a feel for it then the whole pod. Yo Ho the fresh Pod from Bel-air!