[Pictures included] I think my chili got sick..any help?

Any help appreciate... I really like this plant and this is the third plants that got this disease (the last two so bad that after 4 months of fighting I let hem pass away..) this one I dont want to give it up so I hope I can get some help here.
I am in Perth and Temperature here is below 10C at night and around 20+ during the day. I recently  moved to a new house and the last time I repot her was 3 months ago.
For all that aren't aware, here's the celsius to farenheit conversion:
([temp celsius] * 2) - (([temp celsius] * 2) * .1) + 32 = [temp farenheit]
For 10C:  20 - 2 + 32 = 50F
For 20C:  40 - 4 + 32 = 68F
Hopefully the pics can get working so everyone can help you out!
Temperature isn't your problem - my greenhouse is full of plants that have been in there since april - range from 0C (!) to briefly in the 30+C when I forget to open the window. 
Mostly they're fine. Except the ones that apparently were getting dripped on from the condensation - only just noticed that "feature" :(
Waiting for the pics still! ;)
hey elite thats  a good equation for conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit, i always use (c x 9) / 5 + 32 = f  and (f - 32) x 5 / 9 = c.  and qazwersfdxcv i live 20 mins north of napanee, 10c is as cold as you want your peppers to be if they are outside, but the extreme changes in the weather we have been getting are detrimental to pepper plants, it was an extremely cold winter this year and it has been a cold spring as well, out here the highest temp we got so far was 32c /89f last month, i actually put my pepper plants outside in pots last weekend and i am thinking it was a mistake, and i am a good 45 minutes away from lake ontario, you are right on top of it so your temps are a little bit colder. but once the pictures are visible im sure we all can help you out more.
 it could be several things to be honest, there could be nematodes, or mosiac virus, or southern blight. not sure how you get them though
but we need more info like
how long has it been outside?
did you harden it off?
have you used to much fertilizer or not enough?
how often do you water it?
what has changed in the past few months to the plants (other then the move)
those are just some of what i can think of most likely more needed to be asked though