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Piment d'Espelette Pepper Help

Hi all,

I have a one year old Piment d'Espelette pepper plant and I'm finally starting to see some of my first chillies. The peppers that are growing and ripening red do not look like the Piment d'Espelette images I've seen on the Web. My peppers are about 2 inches long, 1.5 inches wide and are kind of heart shaped. Here's an image of what I thought they were supposed to look like (I also got my seeds from this source):


I've noticed that all of my peppers are having the stunted growth as described above. Do some piments d'Espelettes look this way? I'm trying to figure out if maybe I was sent the wrong seeds, or if I'm doing something wrong and making this chillies come out warped.

Thanks for any help!
I have some growing, here is what mine looks like:

PepperJam, that's exactly what I thought they should look like. Mine have ridges and are about half that size in length.

Sorry, I should have taken a pic first, but I plan to get one up tomorrow when the sun is out again.


Btw, PepperJam, where did you buy your seeds? Thanks!
I tried to grow the Espelette a couple years ago, but all I got were sad little snubbies like you describe. The plants themselves were also poor, while the other varieties around them flourished. I finally read on the official Piment d'Espelette website (had to brush up on my French) that these plants do not do well in very hot and humid climates....I can forget about growing them in Louisiana!

Beth, the Peppermania chick, grows them in one of the hottest and most humid places on the planetā€”Houston. But she has some special chile mojo....As does Pepperjam, apparently.
PJ, nice pod! I also got my seeds from Peppermania. I've got one plant growing in-ground, with all systems go--but I'd say it is about 8 weeks behind your Texas beauty. Idaho weather runs very dry, so hopefully I have a shot. And there is Basque heritage here, maybe their karma will rub off... :cool:
Sorry for the delay in pics. Do these look like they could be Piment d'Espelette pods? I'm positive I didn't confuse my seeds when I planted them.

@Windchicken, is this what you were seeing? Thanks.

@Siliman... are you Basque too? =)


Those pods don't look like Espelette peppers, they should look like this:


The strain is in fact called 'Gorria', 'Piment d'Espelette' is the trade name for the controled origin product.
Indeed. Great picture. I've done even worse than you, Gary. I got 0% germination on my seed. Only had one other variety that did as poorly. I'm moving on westward to Spain. I know its hot there. :)