Pimenta Trepadeira do Werner

I got the seeds for this from Wayright and I am extremely thankful that he sent these along with others.  I have been waiting for them to ripen and it seemed like they never would. 
My son and I go out today to move some pots around and he spotted them and said red peppers Daddy.  I just tried my first one and man, what a pepper.  Extremely little heat, but very crunchy and juicy with great flavor.  I really like this one and it's got a permenant spot here at my place.
Thanks again Kevin. 
I am looking for some great tasting, low to no heat peppers for next year. 
I have some seeds from a really nice looking BBG7 plant. Would you like to trade?
Ocho Cinco said:
I am looking for some great tasting, low to no heat peppers for next year. 
I have some seeds from a really nice looking BBG7 plant. Would you like to trade?
I'll be pulling seed from these 3 pods and drying them out.  Send me a message in about a week and I will just send you some. 
I can't really call it a bite.  You can feel a small amount of warmth on the tongue and lips but it's nothing hot at all
Great looking pods Jack  :cool:
Diggin this piccy man

They are one of my favorite too,,Beautiful plant,great peppers!
wayright said:
Great looking pods Jack  :cool:
Diggin this piccy man
They are one of my favorite too,,Beautiful plant,great peppers!
Thanks Kevin.  The plant had some set backs so isn't big by any means but there's still some pods on it for me to munch on later.  :)
Nice to see.  I have some—same smooth shape—at a cream-green stage.  Your ripe colour looks familiar, though, from experiencing several other Capsicum baccatum varieties.

#Browning ..how tall is this plant?  I am growing this atm an only seedlings about 3" tall right now.
Would be good if you can post a pic of the plants.
Thanks for the photos Kevin.  Gorgeous and I will be looking forward to my seedlings maturing ...
I grew a Barra Do Ribeiro last season and looks similar as this one;  both baccatum.
Does the pods of TDW grow upright?
Please allow me to post a pic of Barra do Ribeiro for comparison and feedbacks (hope this is not hijacking the topic!)
I would really like some seed for some of these.
Do any of the online vendors sell this pepper? I have not heard of it before.
Next grow season, I'm taking a step away from face melters and grow some stuff I can actually eat.
Jusplayn said:
I would really like some seed for some of these.
Do any of the online vendors sell this pepper? I have not heard of it before.
Next grow season, I'm taking a step away from face melters and grow some stuff I can actually eat.
PM me,,I can share a few 
justecila said:
Nice man Kevin :)
I find pepper people very nice!
What is your thought on this :  they do look similar
Thank you  :)
They look very similar,other than P-Trap is round
The plant itself is unlike other baccatums ,sprawling limbs that just shoot and turn in crazy directions
I found this year old thread.
What are you doing with your Pimenta Trepidiera Do Werner?
How are you using these peppers?
What are you doing with your Pimenta Trepidiera Do Werner?
Pickles.  Size, shape, colours, and heat level all lend themselves to this application.
Fresh eating, as mentioned, in a cucumber salad or accompanying green melon and prosciutto.