Pinching Buds

I pinch SOME off. I go by this pic...

I found this pic in a pepper grow guide by some commercial greenhouse in Florida. Its worked well for me. Ive never done an experiment on pinching (pruning) vs let it be, but ive had great results with this method.

As stated before... its really up to you... I personally ALWAYS pinch the first two nodes or as in the above image, the "Crown Flowers" and the "First Node"

The times I haven't, the plants stay small like the one in Potawie's pic and don't produce more than the original few pods and never get above 12 inches or so in height. But I start indoors. If your starting out side or put them outside shortly after sprouting they may be fine.

I for sure at least pinch the Crown Flowers otherwise I end up with a single big pod and a small plant. Ever go to the big retailers and see the 6 inch pepper plants with one huge pod in the middle??? That's what Could happen... not saying it will.

I however only pinch the larger pod/faster growing varieties (ie: Green Bells and Thai hots to name a couple). I do not pinch my habs or any other super hots as they take for ever to grow anyways and drop most buds on their own until they get outside.