Cindy and I just got back from the pepper fest in Pinellas Park. (Tampa area just north of St. Petersburg) Any of you that lives anywhere near here should really go over and check it out. They had about 40-50 vendors, live music, sauce contests, and even a pepper eating contest. It was how many Jalapeños you can eat in three minutes, so it is more of a volume thing more than a heat thing, but it looks like they build up after eating about ten of them. (They were huge,really huge) They had quite a few things like bouncy things for kids so if they get tired of walking around, they had some cool stuff. There was about 10-15 sauce vendors,and other people had jellies and other foods with peppers in them. For me, the best thing was that enceinte has samples for you to try, so instead of buying a sauce that end up tasting like crap, you get to see what you like first. I got some jelly, three kinds of sauce,and a mustard with pepper in it. Bringing it all to hot pepper night this Monday! Anyway, we had a great time and of you like peppers and live within an hour or so, I'd go over. Tom