cuisines Pizza fritta napoletana

I wanted to make that just to try it... I've already eaten it sometimes and it's good but i like better normal pizza, sometimes is good to change though.
I made a pretty normal pizza dough, maybe with a bit less water than usual.
700g flour (200 manitoba + 500 normal... just because i had to finish some packets)
400g water
0,78g yeast
17g salt
Rising 20+5 hours.
Ingredients used (not all together): ricotta, some well strained mozz, ham, onion marinated in salt and black pepper, hot pepper, passata, anchovies, provolone (Auricchio dolce).
To fry i've used peanut oil.




I am pretty satisfied with results, even on the couple i haven't nailed the perfect cooking (hey, first time doing that, maybe first time ever frying something... Aside some potatoes. And some polenta with very bad results) and still they were good and absolutely not impregnated of oil. Better than many panzerotti.
Also i experimented something with fried dough:
First thing i tried:


Dough was a bit thick... Even here, no oil inside and great crust, but needed a bit more cooking.

Here with a bit of marinated onion inside... It's good!
So i re tried stretching a pizza and cutting pieces and fried them:

They've grown in size suddenly!


Crunchy and light... Maybe those were even better than pizza itself!
Not sure if they do it there but here they deep fry calzones, and that's what that is to me. :) Looks good.
Well, i still hope we understand what we are talking about! :D It's a calzone, but if we say pizza fritta we refer about this one (not that here in the north is well known as pizza or oven calzone).
Btw normal pizza wins (last saturday i went to Neaples and i ate 4 margherita and were soooooo good!).
I would have to agree Essegi. Something about how the crust and cheese bakes and melts on a pizza. mmmmm

Calzones are not as good IMO. Although your are about bite size, I like that. The last Calzone I had was almost as big as a rugby ball.
Calzone is what you make when you go to move the pizza with the peel and it flops over. Calzone!!!
Scoville DeVille said:
how the crust and cheese bakes and melts on a pizza
That's pretty much the point! :D And tomato too! Good marinara is surprising how good is, no mozz (and i love mozz) but garlic, tomato, dough and some oil together are super!
The Hot Pepper said:
Calzone is what you make when you go to move the pizza with the peel and it flops over. Calzone!!!
The fact here we know calzone because pizzerie makes it and since it's made from same ingredients it feels like a true pizza more than some focaccie and other risen stuff. So sometimes we treat it as a pizza also if it has another shape.

About folding in Neaples they often fold pizza to make it more portable... Because their pizza is so easy to fold...
Yes I've seen the folding pizzas in Naples, folded after it's cooked. I don't find it that odd, a common way to eat a slice here is to fold and eat. You don't really squish it all together though, it's more of a V-fold.
The Hot Pepper said:
Yes I've seen the folding pizzas in Naples, folded after it's cooked. I don't find it that odd, a common way to eat a slice here is to fold and eat. You don't really squish it all together though, it's more of a V-fold.
Same here. It's that with neapolitan pizza you can fold it in 4 and have no fractures, i believe you can roll one without problems.
Not that this is important itself, but when you have something so soft but cooked well...
My grandmother (parents came to America from Greci Italy) used to make pizza every Friday. With the leftover dough, she would make (what she called) pizza fritta,every Saturday morning. She would pan fry the dough and coat them with cinnamon and sugar. Sorry, just stumbled across this thread and was reminded of my childhood!

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Man that sounds awesome! Deep fried calzones and zeppole from the same dough!