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smoking pizza

I want to try making pizza on the grill. I know that you can just place a frozen one on there, but I'm talking about making the dough from scratch and whatever toppings I want. I have a recipe, so I don't need that I was wondering:

Has anyone actually made pizza on the grill before? Good?
Some people do it on a pizza stone on the grill, but you can actually just throw it on the grill too. Keep the crust thin, and keep the lid closed so the top cooks as well. A low flame is best or the crust will burn. You can also partially precook the dough on the grill and then assemble the pizza and cook on the grill. This ensures that the dough will be fully cooked without any rawness in the middle. Brush the dough with olive oil and throw it on the grill oil side down. Now brush the top with olive oil and after 1-2 minutes turn it over, and leave on another 1-2 minutes. Now take the dough off and assemble the pizza. Put back on the grill and close the lid till done.

I'll be doing grilled pizzas this summer.
I've done them as well. I usually do them over indirect heat so the bottom doesn't burn before the top is cooked. Also use a pizza peel with corn meal on it to help get the pizza on the grill.
I've seen bbq pizza stones as well as pizza bbq pans with holes punched out along the bottom. Never tried them but I always see the stuff in the BBQ sections
thanks for all the tips. right now it's rainy and about 35F. friday they are calling for near 80F - looks like it'll be a grilling weekend. I may have to give the pizza a go.