• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PJ's 2012 Glog with a Kaleidoscope of Colored Peppers

This is my second season growing superhots. I decided to branch out and grow some tasty peppers that others will enjoy. I've been collecting and buying seeds busily!

So i decided to start my seeds early-mid january since last frost date last year was in early april. Here is my list. Some i bought, some i got for free from the amazing THP members! Thanks again all,


I'll be germinating my seeds in cups. I had great success last year using this method. Once they sprout, i'll move them to my 72 plug seed tray. I'm using gardener's supply germinating mix. It has very fine peat, vermiculite, and trace minerals and is pH balanced. Once they get their true leaves, i'll move them to 3.5x5 inch pots (P86D) and 1 pint root pouches (just to experiment). After that they will go into their 5, 7, 10 gallon root pouches and plastic nursery pots.

I started the kashmiri seeds 1 weeks ago to see if the dried pods' seeds i got from UK were viable. They were! So these were the first to go into the 72 plug tray.

I have some plants in the garage under flourscents that are overwintering since november. They are brain strain, red bhut jolokia and chocolate bhut, red and yellow 7pods, fatalli, and a bhut-habanero hybrid. Also some annums like serrano and kung pao just to see if it works

I dedicated one room in the house as my "plant room". Pretty bare bone, its a 48 inch wide, 7 foot tall steel rack. 2 of the shelves each have 4 T12 GE aquarium and plant flourscent bulbs. I have a heat mat where they cups are sitting on to help in the germination.

The Plant Room

The Seeds in their cups

The Kashmiri Mirch in their 72 plug tray, i'm using little cups as a "dome" to keep humidity in. Using foil to cover the other plugs so water doesn't just evaporate away making the germinating mix really dry and also keeps it from growing algae.

Lets see how it goes! Wish me luck!
the stems on your overwinters are like trees.

Nice gro-pots operation you got going there, cant wait to see more!
Thanks all for the compliments. Here are today's updates!

Here's a overall shot

Purple bhut branching out!

White Hab is loaded with flowers and few pods

My fave, Chiero Roxa

Cheiro Roxa Flower

Bishops Crown Flower

Aji Limon Flower

Thanks for looking!
And here's a 2 part tour video of my garden so far! Enjoy!

Pepper Grow Tour Part (1 / 2)

Pepper Grow Tour Part (2 / 2)

Thanks for looking!

Great stuff PJ! You're getting ready to be loaded down with pods! Woot!

Thanks STC! Yea i can't wait for the pods to start rolling in! :)
Excellent grow log, PJ! Very impressed with your outdoor set up
from the frame to the drip on weed cloth set-up. Very clean and
efficient looking! Not to mention how great the plants, flowers,
and pods look! Keep up the good work and updates!
Hey PJ, I am really interested in your potting mix. I am using PROMIX, but it is too heavy and am gonna amend it. I like the way you have yours set up, and wanted to know if you would do anything different now that you have used it for a few weeks. Does it drain well, is the vermiculite "heavy"? Looks like a sea of green, so the ferts seem to be working.

Nice video. How many plants in total do you have?

Around 70 plants or so. I have some serranos in my raised bed too.

Hey PJ, I am really interested in your potting mix. I am using PROMIX, but it is too heavy and am gonna amend it. I like the way you have yours set up, and wanted to know if you would do anything different now that you have used it for a few weeks. Does it drain well, is the vermiculite "heavy"? Looks like a sea of green, so the ferts seem to be working.


Yea, it gets heavy even with the vermiculite i added. Plus side is i dont need to water so often. I imagine when they get bigger, ill be watering them regularly. Right now i pick up one pot, if it feels light, i just turn on water manually for 10 min @ 1GPH. I would add something to make it more airy when watered,maybe some perilite. Eventhoughit gets heavy, plants seem to be doing fine so far.
Pod pics update

Brain strain overwinter turning red

Purple bhut

Red bhut

C. Galapogoense


Cheiro Recife

Chocolate scorp

Yellow scorp

Serrano del sol

Cheiro roxa

Zapotec jalapeno

Kashmiri mirch

Round peppercinio

Bishops crown
Here is today's update. It ranined quite alot last night. Flooding here and there. Plants were all fine. All happy to get some fresh rain water on them. Woke up early and took some pics of all the pods with rain drops on them. Looks really cool.

Birds eye view

10 gallon root pouches are awesome. My brain strains and fatallis are doing great. Much bigger than the 5 gallon one.

Bishops crown


7pod overwinter, it was yellow last year, but orange now???? I never had anything grow orange last year.

Cheiro Roxa


Yellow Trinidad scorpion cardi

Pink Habanero, they are so clustered so closely

Yellow 7pod, there's a monster yellow 7pod in there. Its HUGE! gonna save seeds for that one for sure.
Thanks for posting and for the compliments romy, i can finish the rest of the pics. Slideshow link also below fore even more pics. THP has a limit per posting :(

Chocolate scorpions


Yellow Brain Strain

Brain Strain cmpman

Brain Strain cappy

Red Bhut

Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet

Purple Bhut


Here's a link to more pod pics, almost 40+ pod pics as a slide show. Don't want to over burden our modem users :)

I cannot like this enough! Everything looks freaking amazing! I swear, I can't wait to have my plants blow up like this! I love how my plants look after they a good rain, but I can't wait to see my pods after a good rain!

Thanks for the pics
I am using 10 gallon Viagrow fabric pots, seem pretty nice. Thinking the fabrics are the way to go.

Very nice plants, I have ripe douglah, red 7 pots, and butch t pods.
glad everything is doing well after the rain last night. they were saying we got 9" of it!

my rain gauge maxed out at 6"

looking good!