place to order live plants on the internet

96strat said:
No room. P m me I have a bunch of plants all sizes and types. The bigger they are the more they are. But we should be able to do something. Strat
271848720142 Jim Duffy on eBay
you can't go wrong with STRAT !   he will never steer you wrong .        :onfire:
hogleg said:
Why not cut your numbers some. If you are still learning the ropes don't overwhelm yourself with high numbers of plants. You'll have a better season and kill less plants. IMO
If I can't find a good deal. I probably will plant less. I am new to planting from seed inside. But I have planted outside from bought seedlings for 3 years. Once they are in the ground mother nature mostly takes care of them. I have never totally lost a plant yet, and all have had pods.
It is inside that is my problem.  Its partially lack of good light. But mainly people stress on here not to over water. So I keep waiting to long, and they wilt, usually bad. I then water them and most will recover. But each time I lose a handfull.
Epicfire said:
Mpicante has a lot. He pm'ed me when I was looking for plants.
thanks.   He either saw thread, or you gave him a heads up. He just msged me.  I messaged back to see if we could set something up.
Bumper said:
Bigger pots for existing plants?  See Swampy_NZ  thread - 26kg off eight plants.  
Those plants look  amazing! But these ones will be going into a garden.
96strat said:
No room. P m me I have a bunch of plants all sizes and types. The bigger they are the more they are. But we should be able to do something. Strat
271848720142 Jim Duffy on eBay
I can't  tell how the first part of your post relates to the second part.  Are you offering to sell extra plants and want me to pm you...or did jim duffy tell you that?  I will go ahead and pm you just in case.  If i did misunderstand, just ignore it ;)
I finally found the post on ebay, it is around 5$ a plant. While if forced to I might buy 6 plants at that, i can't get as many as i want at that price.
I hate to say, but almost none of my Hirt's plants grew true, except for their mustard habanero and thai's ...
Their SB's did not grow true, and their ghosts all grew red, no matter the color ordered ...
Actually quite a number of plants grew into red habanero ...
Hirt's Hurts ...
grantmichaels said:
I hate to say, but almost none of my Hirt's plants grew true, except for their mustard habanero and thai's ...
Their SB's did not grow true, and their ghosts all grew red, no matter the color ordered ...
Actually quite a number of plants grew into red habanero ...
Hirt's Hurts ...
Really? Hmm...
Admittedly, I have only ordered the Jamaican Hot Chocolate Habanero plants from Hirt's. Last year two plants that barely reached a foot tall produced several hundred peppers, all true chocolate habaneros. is one weeks worth.
Hopefully, you contacted them and got refund/replacements?
alkhall said:
Really? Hmm...
Admittedly, I have only ordered the Jamaican Hot Chocolate Habanero plants from Hirt's. Last year two plants that barely reached a foot tall produced several hundred peppers, all true chocolate habaneros. is one weeks worth.
Hopefully, you contacted them and got refund/replacements?
Yeah, but $40 or whatever seems like a slap in the face when you've put months of effort into growing some plants and then they produce all of the wrong poddage ...
So frustrating ..
That said, the mustard habanero's that ajijoe's friend created came from them, and it was the heartiest plant by a mile, and the only one to come back from BLS despite the woody tepins w/ bark ...
grantmichaels said:
Yeah, but $40 or whatever seems like a slap in the face when you've put months of effort into growing some plants and then they produce all of the wrong poddage ...
So frustrating ..
That said, the mustard habanero's that ajijoe's friend created came from them, and it was the heartiest plant by a mile, and the only one to come back from BLS despite the woody tepins w/ bark ...
True, I suppose that would tend to put me off.
But, I also would have let them know about it, and insist that they make it up to me, just on principle.
Scorched said:
If you watch FB Jim Duffy has been doing bare root plug sales. Has a new one each week. 8 plants plus he throws in 2 freebies all for around $27 including shipping. Just picked up another one myself today. Had a bhutlah x bubblegum gross that sounded interesting. The first batch I got from him arrived in decent shape considering they went coast to coast and the post office decided to take two extra days to deliver. Might help out 
John Ford from Ford's Fiery Foods sells plants but not sure how much and what he has left.
just ordered 10 pack of varius 7 pots from this.   22$ shipped
Epicfire said:
Mpicante has a lot. He pm'ed me when I was looking for plants.
Have it set up to order around 20 from mpicante in next week or so.
If I don't lose any more seedlings, I should be alright.  I can always fill the garden out with local bought habanerros if I need to.
If anyone sees any good deals, or ccn season sale goes live, please post anyway.  I can always buy more :)