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indoor Planning to Grow Indoors

I am new to growing peppers period.
I am getting a ton of seed from various places and need tips on growing inside an apartment.

Preferably as cheap as it can get >.<

And don't get super detailed.Just basics like water,pots,lights,greenhouse,etc....Nothing to serious right now.Just enough to guide me to growing a plant producing a enough peppers :)
Germanation matts to start. Or a cheap heating pad from like kmart, usually medium setting works good, 16oz Solo cups work for pots for a long time, just put holes in the for drainage and such, get a box fan to blow on the seedlings daily, and lights, I spent a total of 75$ on my light setup, Lowes has T8 light fixtures for 20$ each, I got 2, the bulbs are around 6$ for a two pack, then I bough some 1inch PVC pipe and built a holder for the lights, from that point you can grow peppers in solo cups for a long time, a couple months! Then I went right to 8inch pots from solo cups, again they can stay in these a while! I used miracle grow for my potting medium, I used regular mixed with orchid miracle grow, The orchid is great for drainage! I grew my two bhuts in just orchid and their root balls were very large and healthy when I transplanted them outdoors! And most of all patience. Peppers are the prima donna's of the plant world. They prefer certain heats/lights/and little love. Don't over water as you will read everywhere on here. And if at first you dont succeed try try again! I'm a newbie to growing as of feb this year and my peppers are rocking! Just read this site, the information is endless!!!
1. No reason to use germination mats. If you have a gas stove, just set your germination station on top of the stove. The heat from the pilot light on your stove will provide sufficient warmth for good germination. If you don't have a gas stove, set it on top of your cable box, or computer, or whatever other device you might have that produces above average ambient temps. Once the seeds germinate, move on to step 2.

2. Once they have a few pair of leaves, move them to plastic party cups ($3.99 got 50 at my local grocer). Double them up, with a hole in the lower cup, and bottom water. Really easy to avoid over watering when you let the water wick-up from bottom watering.

3. Super basic 150W light fixtures and 5000K 100W compact fluorescent bulbs from Home Depot (about $12.00 per set of fixture and bulb) can provide light for 12-18 plants, 24 hours a day. Can do this for anywhere from 4-8 weeks. Plants will get big and look healthy. Shoot them with a fan during this time if you can.

4. Find a window to put them. Open the window and let them be exposed to nature light and wind if you can. Good chance they will start setting pods at this point.
I agree with HwyBill's advice.
I would go even simpler than that though if you have good window light, you might not even have to have a grow light on them.

I apartment grow and for me it's just this:

1. Use the paper towel in a plastic bag germination method.

2. Transfer to potting soil in red solo cups once they germinate

3. Place in sunny window

4. Water when the soil is almost dry. I recommend feeling the weight of the cup when the soil is wet vs when it's dry to get a good feel for it.

It's not too hard. Good luck.