Plans for the garden

Canuk Pepperhead said:
ive been tempted to do a herb garden too this year...My cousin and I have to design the newly expanded garden this year to suit both our needs so it might happen..Can I grow horseradish from a biga** pot?? or is it worth it?? now to plant here at my place wont work and my hosta garden here has been invaded with garlic lol
Im just curious on the horseradish thing as AkButch basiclly said it takes over the ground you plant it on.Other thing would local nurserys carry horseradish pods/seeds?Ive never seen it myself

I never tried, but I think horseradish would do fine in a biga** pot, just make sure its deep enough for the roots to grow and give it plenty of water cause it gets big (AKButch is right about it taking over the garden) is worth growing because it keeps well overwinter and you can make plenty of new plants from the root cuttings
Here's a site for herbs:
and Horseradish:
Pam said:
Were you going to grow your own onion and garlic? That's cool.

As to tomatoes, most recipes I read suggest Roma tomatoes because they're more meaty and less juicy. Personally, I just use whatever I have to hand.

Yes , I grow my own onions and last year I had some garlic in the fridge start to sprout on me so I stuck it in the ground and it did fine for a while and then just died. Grew some cilantro last year but it started to seed or something and it just did'nt look right so I yanked it out but i will try again this year.

My list is way too big but I sure will try to grow everything.

Strawberry (3 variety)
Raspberry (3 variety)
Blueberry (3 variety)
ground cherry
rhubarb (rhubarb and peppers is a killer combination for sauce IMHO)
Oregano Greek
Basil (Genovese,purple,giant,magical micheal)
Tomato (16 variety)
peppers (36 variety)

Also starting from seeds : lilacs, roses, Japanese maple,hosta and flowers....
Hey Canuck, anyone that grows hot peppers must cook in some fashion. An herb garden is a must. There is nothing like fresh basil or oregano. So much better than the dried stuff.
I forgot about Onions. What kind of onions do you use for pickled onions? I wanted to do some chilli pickled onions. I know you can have shallots pickled but I'm sure they're not those small onions in the jars, they're the wrong shape. Are the ones in jars just baby onions?
I am going to enlarge my garden this year but it entails removing some lawn, should I till the grass in or remove the grass first?

Remove the grass as much as possible you may have to get weed killer before planting or cook it under some black film It has taken me 3 years to get the grass out of mine. Good luck:P

I tilled up a bit of yard last year and it produced some of the best plants in the garden. The grass composted nicely in a short time (I tilled it everyother day for about two weeks and had next to no weeds later.

My plans in the fall were to sow wheat then till it under this spring (adds lots of nitrogen) but summer lasted almost until winter. Tomatoes, eggplants and peppers were still growing and ripening when I had to dig everything up before a killing frost that night.
