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health Plant ID and other questions (Yellow/white spots on plants)

I have three seperate pictures of three different plants and I was hoping someone could ID them for me, not pepper specific, unless that's possible..

Also, the one plant has a white splotch on one of its leaves and the other has yellow spots on the leaves.

Also also, why are my leaves wrinkly and dark green like that? Is it a nutrient deficiency? If so, what kind?
20/4 light cycle, Miracle Grow Moisture Control and jiffy seed starting mix and I water every two days, sometimes three if its still damp. Thanks guys, I will provide more information if needed.



What lights are you using .. Are you watering by the clock or when they need watering I.e when the soil is starting to go dry ? What is your soil mix?
2 - 65w screw type flourescent plant bulbs, I water them when the soil starts to dry out in the middle. I'm using Miracle Grow moisture control and Jiffy seed starting mixed together.
They look like they want more light. Try moving the lights closer maybe? How far away from your plants are the bulbs?

Also how long have they been in their pots? You might do okay with a LIGHT fertilizer boost cause they look a bit hungry as well, but it could just be a watering problem. Make sure you let the soil dry down a bit before watering, you want the top half inch or more to have gone bone dry before adding more.
Been using a 4-10-3 and the front plants are half an inch from the lights, back plants are about 6 nches from them.
You should definitely add a couple more lights or close the growing space off in order to trap more light around the plants if you haven't already done so.
You should be ferting with something a little higher in N and a little lower in P. I use 5-4-4 for my growth cycle and occasionally boost it with 2-0-0 calmag which also contains my micros. You might even be adding too much fertilizer as the plants need very little at this stage and can even take most of it from the soil they're in. Half strength is about as high as you should go until they're stronger. Also you definitely want more light in there. I don't know exactly what light you're using so I can't comment on it but whatever it is your plants are telling you it's not enough, they're stretching hard for that light.
Will look into getting more light. I have a fan on them constantly and i've been bottom watering aswell. I do half strength 4-10-3 every 2-3 weeks, regular water in between.