Plant not growing

So I planted a (z. bird pepper) in a 20 gallon smart pot. and my OW bhut in a 25 gallon. Wondering what is wrong with these guys. They both got tore up pretty bad by the winds but have recovered and come back strong. My ow keeps dropping flowers but not to concerned about that yet. My bird pepper seems really small (root bound??) I planted these guys up with a mix of promix, native dirt, fox farm, and couple small pinchs of seabird and bat guano. Also have given them a couple feedings of fish ferts. Even the leaves on the plants seem smaller than when first planted.
First planted--May 16


The first thing that came to mind reading the title was fabric pots. None of my fabric plants are doing well. Have not a clue why. Mine are in 5,7, and 10's. Stunted growth and not very healthy looking.
millworkman said:
20 gallon is a bit big for smaller plants to go into.  Give them time.  The roots will be growing first and you may not notice ANY top growth for a bit.  Then one day you will notice they got HUGE and are growng very quick.  Let the roots do their thing for a bit and do not worry.
Guilty of not being a patient man and I was thinking that about the roots at first, but shoot man, its been in there since may. Just looking at the leaves I feel as though they are needing.......something.
  What are your night time low temperatures?  I'm wondering if that might be stunting growth... at least around here we've had record-breaking low temps, averaging 10F below the norm, although not cold enough to stunt plants here, except my okra.
Growing the same peppers.
 If you put it in a regular 5 gallon bucket, it would still be the size. You just have a big ass pot bro haha  The plant is flowing too, so it will be growing slower, length wise.
Gotta wait until its in a state where it tells itself, "okay, its time to grow some more so I can be a bigger, better, plant, in order to spread my seed".
Then it would start growing its roots even faster, thus sucking up more nutrients for the stem and shuts to get bigger.
Just keep doing what you're doing and in time it'll grow.