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Plant out problem! What caused this?

I've been babying these since I planted the seeds in November. These were 2 of my healthiest looking plants.

I planted them out yesterday (in pots filled with miracle gro, miracle gro organic, garden soil, pear lite, vermiculite and hen manure). I prepped the soil a couple days before but I didn't get the time to finish planting that night. We got a lot of rain that night

I planted last night (the soil was fairly wet) and overnight we had a considerable amount of rain.

The plants were healthy, but short, so there was leaf contact with the soil.

I checked them tonight and a couple leaves on each were limp and whithered, while the tips on others looked burnt.



Could it be that the leaves sat submerged in water for too long?

Any other ideas or theories?
looks like sunburn to me maybe. not sure about "water burn". usually too much water will just cause the leaves to droop and drop
Not sure if it is normal or not, when I lost leaves that went limp after heavy rains, they felt more like they were dried out rather than being too wet.  But it could have been from all of the wind, as well.
I actually went to check how they held up to the sun.

I did harden them off initially, gradually building them up until they were exposed for 6 hrs + without even the slightest sign of stress. Unfortunately, we had a cold snap and a rainy week so they stayed inside with nothing more than some fluorescent lights and a fan for about 10 days before plant out.

It just happened that today was the beginning of a heat snap (about 10 degrees warmer than they ever experienced).

Should I clip off the damage? Just leave it?
Oski said:
were they in dixie cups before plant out? those things are tiny for being started in November.
Started in peat pellets in November.... These seeds were the type that people write all those "did I get bad seeds?" threads. They were the first planted and the last to sprout. Potted up into 16 oz solo cups until yesterday. Good sized rootball, but not root bound by any means.
chico24 said:
I actually went to check how they held up to the sun.

I did harden them off initially, gradually building them up until they were exposed for 6 hrs + without even the slightest sign of stress. Unfortunately, we had a cold snap and a rainy week so they stayed inside with nothing more than some fluorescent lights and a fan for about 10 days before plant out.

It just happened that today was the beginning of a heat snap (about 10 degrees warmer than they ever experienced).

Should I clip off the damage? Just leave it?
When in doubt you can always pull down on the leaf and if it snaps off it was meant to come off soon. 
Next year you might want to think about potting them up a little faster, 8 months in a solo cup is probably going to stunt their growth pretty heavily.  When it's light outside tomorrow I'll take a picture of one I left in a solo cup vs one I potted up regularly for reference.
Again---really small for plants started in November.
Soil mix may be "hot", but really, give them a week or 2 to adjust before drastic measures.
When in doubt you can always pull down on the leaf and if it snaps off it was meant to come off soon. 
Next year you might want to think about potting them up a little faster, 8 months in a solo cup is probably going to stunt their growth pretty heavily.  When it's light outside tomorrow I'll take a picture of one I left in a solo cup vs one I potted up regularly for reference.
I doubt anything will "snap"... they're pretty flaccid.

As for the potting up, I put them in the solo's when they got their first true leaves... they seemed VERY slow growing, and only really started taking off over the last month or so. It's not as if they filled the cup and I left them in there until now.
I'd love to see some pics for reference. This is my third year growing, but my first year from seed, so definitely a lot to learn!

Again---really small for plants started in November. Soil mix may be "hot", but really, give them a week or 2 to adjust before drastic measures.
I have more plants to plant out, and I haven't prepped my pots yet. Any suggestions to help avoid a "hot soil" situation?
I have 7 other pepper plants and a few tomatoes and others already out in the same mix as the one pictured above, but the all look perfect (or no worse than they did before potting them out). The 2 differences are that the others are taller (hence my worry about these one sitting submerged in the heavy rain) and they receive slightly less direct sun due to their position on my deck (which makes the sunburn answer make sense)

After getting a few responses last night, I went out after midnight and set up my patio umbrella to help block out some of the late afternoon sun on the damaged plants... Pretty sure my neighbours think I'm nuts!
Could be shock, sunburn normally occurs on the upper leaves or the most exposed.
When planting into a different medium always mix a little of both together even if you have to tease some soil from the rootball. I try to have a bag of the what transplants were originally started in. That gets mixed into a wheel barrel with the medium that the plant will grow in. It's also good measure to loosen the roots up. They need to travel in all directions to get a good footing.
Could be shock, sunburn normally occurs on the upper leaves or the most exposed.
When planting into a different medium always mix a little of both together even if you have to tease some soil from the rootball. I try to have a bag of the what transplants were originally started in. That gets mixed into a wheel barrel with the medium that the plant will grow in. It's also good measure to loosen the roots up. They need to travel in all directions to get a good footing.
I tried to loosen the root balls as much as possible without damaging them...Maybe I did damage these particular plants? I'll keep the original soil in mind when planting out the rest. Thanks

Does anyone think I have to worry about losing these ones?
Wow jerk you've shown me I really need to get a couple of my plants in the ground or potted up ASAP. They are bigger than that in a smaller cup lol. I'm such a newb.
Wow... Difference noted!

When you say "regularly", how often and what sizes are you going to? I always planned on 5 gallon pails for my final transplant. These were last minute additions.

I stayed with the cups in order to conserve space in my indoor grow area... Got side-tracked by a baby a couple months before my planned seed planting time and a dog starting chemo at the same time.... Let's just say I know my set up wasn't ideal.

I plan on expanding my indoor area, as well as attempting to over-winter a couple for experimental purposes.
On the solos I potted up to 1 gallon nursery pots when the roots started really climbing out the bottom, then I potted up to 3 gallon when they started to split, then just last night I potted up to a reuseable shopping bag, which is about 5 gallons. It's staying on my balcony in that shopping bag for the rest of the year, hopefully air-pruning the roots as it grows.
Mine were about as large as you big one in 3.5" pots.
But then, they were also on "life support"-----every other day at the end was a regular hydro mix, regular H2O on every other day.
(Dried out every day, 1 day hydro ferts, 1 day water.)

For my planting plot, I mixed up the soil and "organic material" along with some perlite last fall and tilled the hell out of it---let it sit all winter and tilled again before planting.
If your only difference in plant size is the size of the container--------welllllllll-------.
I checked my notes (and by that I mean I don't really keep a grow log, but just remembered). My first batch of bhut seeds didn't germ. The next did, but slowly died to damping off. The THIRD batch gave me 3 plants... One died... 2 remain... One is in the pic.... These were plant in January, not November!

The rest of my plants were November babies and look only slightly smaller than the one in the pic in the solo cup.
You should start a grow log! This is my first year as well, and keeping a grow log has been a huge part of my success. Lots of people on here will read it and give you tips.
Gotrox said:
Mine were about as large as you big one in 3.5" pots.But then, they were also on "life support"-----every other day at the end was a regular hydro mix, regular H2O on every other day.(Dried out every day, 1 day hydro ferts, 1 day water.)For my planting plot, I mixed up the soil and "organic material" along with some perlite last fall and tilled the hell out of it---let it sit all winter and tilled again before planting.If your only difference in plant size is the size of the container--------welllllllll-------.
You grew a 28" tall 26" wide plant in a container the size of a solo cup? Please show us pictures, because that sounds like quite a sight!

I haven't fertilized either of them regularly, maybe a little seaweed extract and fish emulsion, but not much. I guess if I gave hydro nutes every other day it would have gotten bigger. I kind of gave up on that one because I have no room to put it anywhere.