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plant problem & question

ok 1st off whatever the disease or ? is, strangely it only affected my lemon drops (in containers & ground) even while other plants are treated the same,same fertilzers,same soil, & only couple feet apart from other chile plants.

the tips would die, the pods would get infected & get brown spots inside & out. then the leaves & pods would drop.

what is this or causes this ? I had 2 container plants get it then they recovered but not fully recovered to their full bushy state before.

then 1 of the plants in the garden got hit & I pulled it hoping this should stop it from spreading (if I could stop it)

then plant by plant started to get the signs, so I said screw it & pulled them all out & harvest the chiles I could unripe. I'd have to say I lost about 3/4 full of paper grocery bag (thats alot!)

heres the pictures.




Wow CH really sorry to see that. Hard to lose all those peppers after a summer of work babying them. I have no idea what it could be, have you showed anyone from the extension service this? They might have a clue, looks like some weird stuff for sure.
I also feel you pain. You can send the plant and pods to your local extension office and for about $15 they can do comprehensive tests to diagnose the problem for you. Here's a link to OSU's site: http://ppdc.osu.edu/ Hope they can help if you don't find the answers here. Please keep us posted.