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Plant stalks


eXtreme Business
For the sake of being safe rather than sorry, I've noticed on almost all of my established seedlings, there are very fine hair-like structures growing out of them. I'm wondering... is this perfectly OK? I'm leaning towards yes, but seeing as this is my first real attempt at growing peppers, I wanted to make sure
Yes. Some varieties are more hairy than others. Take a look at
your plants with a magnifying lens, are the 'hairs' sticking straight
out of the plant? When I look at mine up close or photograph
them close, they all have these little hairs or spines. Look at the
close up photos in some of the grow logs and you'll see.

edit: dig your sig
Yes, they are perpendicular to the stalk of the plant. Also, they are turning from green to a reddish brown color. I've seen several pictures on here where the stalks were nearly the same color, so I'm guessing it's pretty reassuring :)

And thanks :)
A lot of plants have this. They're called trichomes. Depending on the plant they serve a variety of purposes from defense from animals to reflecting solar radiation like sunblock to preventing frost.

I have a few plants right now that are extremely hairy. One of my la reina plants is covered but my other one isnt nearly as hairy.

But yes it's more than OK it can be advantageous lol.