Plant Tags/Markers What you prefer?


I cut my own plastic/vinyl labels from left over vertical blind vanes (free) and then label them with an industrial Sharpie marker on each side/end.  The label is then inserted in to the soil so that one end is always visible and the other end/side is covered by the soil and is protected from UV all season.  There is always a little fading on the exposed side, but a quick pull will clear up any mystery.
I am making grid 'maps'. Basically, doing a grid in Word and filling in the squares.
Save the .doc file, make a backup on the external drive, print out a copy, done.
Thanks for that.
Basically the same thing I do.
I found that tags/markers got sun-faded, or even covered over and lost.
I got some cheap T tags i'm going to use for now then switch to those tie on ones. I think that may be the best route along with a back up map
KingLeerUK said:
I cut my own plastic/vinyl labels from left over vertical blind vanes (free) and then label them with an industrial Sharpie marker on each side/end.  
     That's what I'm talkin' about! Industrial Sharpies FTW. Fading is not an issue.
Anybody tried these markers? Normally I stay clear from regular sharpies for this purpose, but looks like these are made for it. A two-pack is only 2.97 at Walmart.
My wife draws a detailed map and marks all her stuff on there.  She has one for the fenced garden with veggies and a couple for the flower beds around the house. She gave up on tags about 10 years ago. I laughed at her until at the end of the year she showed me the notes she took and tips she learned. She has gone tagless. lol
Have used kydex strips for marking plants since the 80's. As R&H employees we could get as much cut offs and imperfect sheets as you wanted. I label with Panduit nylon marking pens which hold up thru weather and uv. Just wipe clean with alcohol and relabel.