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Plant Troubles

Well I have been having problems with my plants for a few weeks now. This is a picture of one of my jalapenos, but all of the plants look about the same. The leaves are getting really bumpy and curling in on themselves. They feel really dry and look like they have tons of little tiny pimples on them. A lot of the pictures that I see of other member's plants have nice flat green leaves. I thought calcium deficiency so I gave them some cal mag yesterday, but this picture was taken about 24 hours after applying. Is it too early to see the effects? Is something else going on here? I had the single t5 bulb about 5 inches away, but I moved it further back to see if it would help. Thanks guys.

Well I have been having problems with my plants for a few weeks now. This is a picture of one of my jalapenos, but all of the plants look about the same. The leaves are getting really bumpy and curling in on themselves. They feel really dry and look like they have tons of little tiny pimples on them. A lot of the pictures that I see of other member's plants have nice flat green leaves. I thought calcium deficiency so I gave them some cal mag yesterday, but this picture was taken about 24 hours after applying. Is it too early to see the effects? Is something else going on here? I had the single t5 bulb about 5 inches away, but I moved it further back to see if it would help. Thanks guys.


not an expert but if leaves are curling, the plant needs water...it's too dry. as far as the pimples, when i have encountered that on the stem, it was due to mold that i had and tried to remove it but the pimples represented a disease to the plant from the mold. again not an expert just my experiences. love to hear from others.....
Yeah the soil looks too dry. I've found out that it's a fine line between too much and not enough water. Mine are right at the same size as yours. I bottom water them every third day right now. I use 2L bottles to mix my food ahead of time so the water is room temp. They get fed in a shallow tote pan. It's been working great if I sit then in the water and go mix up the new stuff, take a good look at my other seeds, ect. Gives them about 15min to sit in it. Then I make sure the excess drains out well. One good drink works better than trying to give them small sips every day. :onfire:

And then Nova goes and says otherwise............listen to him. He's da bomb :dance:
Well I have been having problems with my plants for a few weeks now. This is a picture of one of my jalapenos, but all of the plants look about the same. The leaves are getting really bumpy and curling in on themselves. They feel really dry and look like they have tons of little tiny pimples on them. A lot of the pictures that I see of other member's plants have nice flat green leaves. I thought calcium deficiency so I gave them some cal mag yesterday, but this picture was taken about 24 hours after applying. Is it too early to see the effects? Is something else going on here? I had the single t5 bulb about 5 inches away, but I moved it further back to see if it would help. Thanks guys.


Wolfhound - That looks like a healthy Chinense - it doesn't look like a young Jalapeno seedling. IMHO.
With a pot that shallow, check to make sure your drainage is good. How many holes do you have on the bottom, how big are they? If the roots sit in water they can develop trouble absorbing nutrients causing those problems. My plants looked the same last year and AJ recommended I drill more and bigger holes and it fixed 90% of my problems.
thoughts that come to mind:

1. it is hard to tell from pic whether the plant is dry or wet. we need to know how you are watering to really give reccs. are you testing the soil/plant before watering? i.e. stick your finger down in the soil? water meter? some other way?

2. plant looks like a chinense, not an annuum. Some peppers have naturally lighter green leaves. Sometimes the bumpy curly nature of a chinense leaf is due to a calcium deficiency. Feeding cal-mag doesn't hurt, it doesn't always help and I've never noticed a difference in production in the long run.

3. how are you feeding? are you using potting soil? could be nutrient deficient or overload at this stage.

I'm new to this forum, but not new to growing peppers. You may have given all this info in another post and I am just asking questions you already answered, but then again maybe not and we will be able to help.

I have to say I'm sorta at a loss on this one. If I had to give a guess it needs more drainage. I'm finding out since I've been on this site that alot of you have problems that I have never had a problem with. I can"t say for sure that being more organic helps but it seems to be a common thread among most that use chem ferts and fake light that your plants are sick and grow up way to fast. Try repotting in a larger container with good dranage and give it some natural light (even if it's only a window). Now this might sound stupid but loud sounds such as music or TV does really effect a plant. I hope I might have helped you.
Thanks all for the good input. I will get some deeper pots for them soon. I made the holes much bigger on the pots they are in right now to see if that helps with drainage. I bought these from an online store, so they should be jalapenos. I won't be that upset if they aren't though.

The soil is pro mix bx and I have only given them fish emulsion twice before te cal mag.

Maybe I should play some rap or something for them. Isnt that what kids are into these days? Ha
can you see the roots at all to see what shape they are in? My first thought was to little water but that is by looking at the top which may be dry why the bottom is soaked. Typically when I have seen this on my plants they need water but from opinions of others, that may not be the issue. I'd check the status of the roots if you can see them or get to them without killing your little baby
The soil is pro mix bx and I have only given them fish emulsion twice before te cal mag.
Give them food if that's all they have had. The fish emu gives N so they will keep their green. The shrivelling and bumps are probably signs they need food.

If that's it you will see a difference in them by the evening. Mine will perk right up in an hour or so after dinner time. :dance:
Wolfhound - That looks like a healthy Chinense - it doesn't look like a young Jalapeno seedling. IMHO.

I have to agree with Bob_B. I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, just looking at the difference between my annums and chinese. What all else are you growing beside Jalepeno
Give them food if that's all they have had. The fish emu gives N so they will keep their green. The shrivelling and bumps are probably signs they need food.

If that's it you will see a difference in them by the evening. Mine will perk right up in an hour or so after dinner time. :dance:

What kind of food should I give them?
Well I did a number of things. I put them into containers that are about 8" x 8" and drilled plenty of drainage holes. I gave them a little bit of fert and haven't watered them since. The new growth is looking alot better and the leaves have started to perk up a little. We will just see as time goes by but I think that they will be fine. It was really warm today (65-70) so I let them get a little sun for an hour or so. They seem to like the changes so far.

Thanks for all of the help!