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Plantguy's 2016 Tomato glog - Late Start

These will be used in Pepper Jelly & Sandwiches Etc
Tomatoes will be started  around the first of march .
Cherry Tomatoes
Abracazebra (Totally Tomatoes)
Lemon Drop-Cherry (Totally Tomatoes)

Paste Tomatoes       
Korean Long
Medium Tomatoes
Green Moldovan 
Copper River
Green Zebra( Four plants to be picked up at local store any others will be added)

Ox Heart Tomatoes- ( To be grow at my moms old garden site)
Purple Cherokee Heart
Curtis Cheek
Most of my seeds came form this site http://renaissancefarms.org
I will be starting mine as soon as I get a new seed starter mat mainly to get my rare wild peppers going so my tomato seeds will benefit from the heat mat. I grow a lot of heirlooms which are very hard to grow all season due to late and early blight along with nematodes and wilt. The soil in Missouri is not the best as much of it is already depleted when you get it unless you add a lot of good compost to it.
To combat some of the problems that I face using old raised beds that have old depleted soil from years of use, I will be adding some good aged Horse manure which I feel is better than cow manure which may have antibiotics and steroids in it.
I also plan to do some grafted tomatoes along with a couple of super hybrids like Panzer and Mountain merit and primo red which I will be getting from Harris seeds.  The grafted tomatoes are very expensive so I plan to try my hand at grafting them which should be fairly easy and much like grating a fruit tree.
The super Hybrid Panzer which has a big disease package is a bit expensive compared to Mountain merit as you have to buy a larger amount of seeds at $28.00 per hundred seeds any extra seeds will be used in following years for root stock for grafting and other projects.  I get a lot of my heirloom seeds from Baker's Creek Heirloom seeds in Mansfield MO. ( rareseeds.com ) . 
Last year I started out with 60 plants and ended up with 20 sickly plants as I didn't work the soil nor add any horse manure to the beds before I worked them I had been quite ill the year before and had bad weather all season, I'm hoping I won't get ill this year at least for awhile.      I'm betting on better weather this season, but as you can never tell about weather patterns I may get lucky and then again maybe not. 
Plantguy76 said:
These will be used in Pepper Jelly & Sandwiches Etc
Tomatoes will be started  around the first of march .
Cherry Tomatoes
Paste Tomatoes       
Korean Long
Medium Tomatoes
Green Moldovan 
Copper River
Black Zebra
Ox Heart Tomatoes- ( To be grow at my moms old garden site)
Purple Cherokee Heart
Curtis Cheek
My seeds came form this site http://renaissancefarms.org
I'm noticing a lot of people growing that Copper River tomato this year. It looks really tasty. Can't wait to see some pics of your maters!
Plantguy76 said:
These will be used in Pepper Jelly & Sandwiches Etc
Tomatoes will be started  around the first of march .
Cherry Tomatoes
Paste Tomatoes       
Korean Long
Medium Tomatoes
Green Moldovan 
Copper River
Black Zebra
Ox Heart Tomatoes- ( To be grow at my moms old garden site)
Purple Cherokee Heart
Curtis Cheek
My seeds came form this site http://renaissancefarms.org
Thanks for the link I just ordered 6 packs of seeds from them. They have a great selection.
SavinaRed said:
Thanks for the link I just ordered 6 packs of seeds from them. They have a great selection.
Glad you like the site Curtis is Awesome!
I almost ordered form him again a pack of seeds of another great paste variety also noticed he is shipping plants now.
Toying with ordering a few like blue beauty .
So it begins yesterday I sowed my first flat of tomatoes Cherokee Purple Heart an Oxheart variety.
Plantguy76 said:
Glad you like the site Curtis is Awesome!
I almost ordered form him again a pack of seeds of another great paste variety also noticed he is shipping plants now.
Toying with ordering a few like blue beauty .
So it begins yesterday I sowed my first flat of tomatoes Cherokee Purple Heart an Oxheart variety.
I got 100% germination from those seeds.
Well I am just now getting seedlings popping of Cherokee Purple Heart & I still have at lest 3 flats to sow.
Yes I know I am running behind.
SavinaRed your seedlings are looking good best of luck this season.
I also ordered form totally tomatoes Lemon Drop -Pepper & Lemon Drop-Cherry Tomato also Abracazebra a green cherry tomato & Golden Ghost Hybrid pepper
The lemon Drops both peppers &tomatoes will be on my deck with abracazebra cherry tomato.
I am running out of room might have to cut a variety.
I am house setting for my mom but before I left town I checked on my germinating tomatoes
Curtis Cheek 100%
Lemon Drop-Cherry 100%
Abracazebra Cherry 100%
Green Moldovan I say 60 to 80%
Still waiting on copper river an Korean long but they was being to pop hopefully the cold weather does not effect germination left the oil beater on low so it shouldn't .