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seeds Planting Open Pollinated Seed

ALOT of us here on the forum grow plants from open pollinated seeds. MOST of us here trade OP seeds. I know, I know. Not everyone.

I am growing some plants from OP seed. I had plants growing in rows about 3 feet apart and the plants were spaced about 2 feet apart. I grew Bhuts, Habs, Jalapenos, Bells....All kinds of peppers. I saved the seed and planted them this year. I also recieved seed from a couple members and saved seed from pods I recieved. All OP.

What would you folks say is an estimated percentage of likeliness to be a cross. Is it really common or do the right series of events(wind, bugs, etc) have to occur??
Do most of the seeds that are traded OP grow true??

I understand how to cut down the possibility. Spacing..Isolation...Yeah I get it. I am curious how many of my 400+ plants might be crossed and how many of your plants have grown out to be a cross.

Happy Growing!!
I'm growing some OP seeds this year and I think its like flipping a coin, it either pollinated it self or got crossed. You may end up with some good crosses.
I would say 10% maybe. But it depends on so much, if the people you trade with trade seeds from same pod or if they do from more then one pod.
But yes most of the seeds that people trade grow true that is OP else i think we would want to trade OP seeds at all.

But am fairly new to the trade thing, and last year out of 20 traded variety i got 1 cross and one "bad" seed (the plants dident grow well at all)

When i trade seeds, i try to collect seeds from diff people and grow 1-2 plants from each.

But at least expect some to be crosses out of 400 plants.

Been raising OP for awhile and have never had a cross yet. Had crosses in other types of plants but never a pepper. Something about a pepper makes its hard to cross at least here. I believe giving proper space between types helps and if you look at it like I do a cross ain't the worse thing to have. Ya never know you just might have the hottest or biggest peper in the world.
you have to consider Murphy's law for your commercial ventures
please be assured your worst fear of selling chili plants is
cross pollinated and/ or mislabeled stock.(did not perform as advertised
or expected)

how many chances would you allow a vendor with stuff you were buying?
I've been growing OP seeds for years and have never had real significant amount of crosses. I did get surprised by a face melting Anaheim once but that could be attributed to regular variation in genetics. There are some species that do readily cross but I believe those stats are based on intentional cross-pollination. Just keep good records, keep you seeds away from moisture and you should be good to go (and grow. . . yeah, I know. . . lamea$$ play on words).
I am actually hoping for a cross or two. I see alot of cool ones here on the forum. I know they are difficult to stabilize, I probably won't attempt it.

For the commercial ventures, for sure, you don't want the nursery to get a bad rap. And you definately want return business. It's hard to tell a customer all you can do is give them a refund after they put months of effort into growing a particular variety. A refund is hardly worth the trouble. Alot of ebay seed buyers have felt that....

Thaks for the replies!!!

Happy Growing!