High Level summary:
High Level summary:
- Not a ray of sunlight will enter the greenhouse of the future if it is up to us. Sunlight will become LED light plus Infra Red. Plants will be given made-to-measure light, climate and nutrition.
- The second development is the availability of special LED lighting. Plants mainly need blue and red light for photosynthesis and far-red, a color not even visible to the human eye but visible to the plant.
- The application of mathematical models for plant cultivation forms the third development. Our growth models are the result of years of research into the cultivation of cut flowers, pot plants, vegetables and fruit. We have processed crop measurements from hundreds of measuring fields at home and abroad since 1994. This includes the registration of fresh weight, dry matter, amount of harvested produce and development speed.
- The fourth development and real breakthrough as far as we are concerned is in the amalgamation of these developments supplemented by new technologies in the field of climate control, sensors, vision technology and automation.
- To prepare cultivation in multilayer Plant Production Units we develop a specific profile for each crop: the Plant-ID. This profile provides the plant specific ideal formula to manage a plant under completely controllable factors year-round, 24 hours per day based on the specifications determined beforehand.
- In our current R&D facility in Den Bosch we can subject a plant simultaneously to 56 environment combination's. This makes it possible to obtain the desired Plant-ID in a very short period of time.
- The big impediment to this industry as explained in their website is the high cost of the specialized LED's they use. They use special frequencies of red. They also using Infrared for the proper amount of warmth.
- Secret Life of Plants
- Plant Master Plan