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Plants drooping from heat in Spring

Mother nature has gone all crazy, call it global warming, call it sunspots, call it the THSC theory, whatever it is, it's damn hot here in Melbourne in Spring.

I get home yesterday, and a fair majority of my plants were screaming for a watering, so I duly obliged. I only watered the damn things on Friday last week with some nutrients, so the 30C+ temps we are getting here are taking their toll already. 3 of my pubescens out the back that are taller than me were the worst affected, no big deal after a decent soaking.

Mind you, I actually don't mind the heat. I don't remember getting flowers this early in a growing season. In fact, I have a second season Ramiro that seems to have pollination occurring before the flower even opens up.

Looks like its going to be a bumper season, I just need a little bit of rain to refresh my water tanks and I'm set for a long and hopefully fruitful summer.

I'll take some pics tonight and post them up
It would have been good to get a head start for this season like the more experienced growers do. Doh! Could have had a huge harvest.

This is going to be a LONG HOT summer:hell:

33C yesterday, 33C today and 30C tomorrow, and it's spring...
I'm glad the summer is over here....Well its summer conditions most of the time but the real "summer" months are most brutal.

Still waiting for a real cold front to come through so I can actually wear my jacket :lol:
Crazy... I was down there a few weeks ago and was thinking "brrr it's chilly down here... can't wait to get back to Brizzy!"

The tables must have flipped - don't know much about temps, but I think it's still a little cool up here in Brisbane (especially the nights). Been having these little on-and-off showers too the last couple days... I'm hanging out to give my plants a little sun! Every time I take them out from under cover, it starts showering again.
It's 31C here at 10:30 am, with an overnight low of 20C.

Thank god the flowers havent opened yet, high overnight temperatures can lead to flower drop.
FadeToBlack said:
I'm glad the summer is over here....Well its summer conditions most of the time but the real "summer" months are most brutal.

I'm not exactly looking forward to the 40C+ temperatures with no humidity that we get in extreme heat spells here.

I took this picture last year, after we had 45C with 100 km/h hot northerly winds, it literally seared some of my plants, to the point where some of the leaves physically turned black.

MiLK_MaN said:
I'm not exactly looking forward to the 40C+ temperatures with no humidity that we get in extreme heat spells here.

I took this picture last year, after we had 45C with 100 km/h hot northerly winds, it literally seared some of my plants, to the point where some of the leaves physically turned black.


Yikes! Thats pretty damn hot!
yeah it good fun now the heat is taking hold........It has been predicted for a while that we will be getting one of the consistently hottest summers on record this season.....:shocked:

My tomatoes are growing an inch a day in this weather..:) and my chiilis are loving it..

We are still in the mid 20's this week (and today is a gloryous daY) but they are saying we will be getting up to mid 30's by the end of the week...:(
MiLK_MaN said:
In fact, I have a second season Ramiro that seems to have pollination occurring before the flower even opens up.
I have also noticed this with a few other varieties I have????
JungleRain said:
I have also noticed this with a few other varieties I have????

Perhaps its the plant trying to ensure against cross-pollination. I suppose there is no way for this to occur if the flower isnt open.
You guys haven't been telling your plants to go "F" themselves have you?!

This weather is great at the moment (apart from the damn grass growing at 100mph), i have already harvested a ripe Beefsteak tomato and an Acid-free. My chilli plants that are all of about 8 inches tall are budding up and starting to flower, I LOVE IT :D

How is you Douglah going moy?
Crikey! What a crazy week for us Melbournites. It's 12.05 am and still 22C Later today (Thurs) is 31C and Friday will be 32C.

And it's November...Hope every one has started their bush fire preps.