Plants growing too slow?

My Bhut seedling sprouted on Jan. 7 and hasn't progressed as much as I had first thought. It started to grow its first true leaves on Jan 16th but they haven't grown much since then. I figured my soil wasn't so good, so I potted it up into happy frog soil mix. It gets about 12-13 hours of light a day, I don't overwater, but the temps in my basement are usually in the 60's when the light isn't on. I turned on my heat mat to about 75 so hopefully that will help.
Any advice?
Sometimes, regardless of what you do for the seedling, you are working against bad genes. Sometimes, every once in a while, it just isn't going to happen. I had 2 this season that sprouted when the other 50 or 60 sprouted, then they just stayed the same size as others grew. When you grow tired of waiting or just need the space, consider them not viable because that is what they are.
I've had a reaper stay the same height for four months. Then it rapidly sped up, and is now seven and a half feet tall.
Yeah...I would bet a light issue. Temps sound OK and you're using good soil. Light intensity and color are important. If moving the light closer doesn't do it, try adding another one, or even a couple daylight (5000-6500k) CFLs...even a cheap shoplight with a couple daylight bulbs should perform better than that.
Try moving the light closer and keep it on for longer like others have said.
Post a update picture in a week or so best of luck.
Thanks for the input guys! I'm making a few adjustments to my setup and think I'll be getting better results by next week!
I started much earlier this year and as a consequence I have notice much slower growth for the first month, but after that they seem to speed right up. I run my lights at night to help with night time temps and turn them off during the day, which right now at this present time is in low 60s. I know I can heat things up a bit to get more growth, but actually enjoy the pace they're at. I figure that way the won't out grow their pots before I have to transplant them in the spring. Even with the slower growth I am having a hard time keeping up.