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Plants have lots of fruit but leaves are yellowing and temperatures are dropping. Do I need to ferti

So it's about the end of the season and I still have loads of pods that need to ripen (temperatures are also around 10-15C) . I've noticed that some leaves started yellowing, especially with plants that have yielded a lot of fruit already. This makes me suspect it's a nutritional issue, as the plant might be degrading chlorophyll for its fruits (?).  
I fertilized them with some magnesium a few months ago and that seemed to fix the issue (at that time). Should I fertilize again or is it pointless at this time? Or is it some other issue? They do not get too much water as they are sheltered so I just water them when the first inch of soil is dry or I see some drooping.
Is 10-15C daytime temps or overnight lows?

It isnt uncommon for plants to drop leaves periodically throughout the season and it is normal as temps start to drop.

My gut would say you are fine but some other folks might have more experience.

Pics would help by the way.
Could be natural leaf senesence as a result of the plant translocating mobile nutrients to fruits. Could be a multitude of other things. Pictures? Location of yellowing leaves on the plant? (old bottom leaves or new growth tips, etc.)