Plants very healthy, but not producing fruit?

I have 3 Trinidad moruga scorpion plants growing right now. They're all very healthy. They all have plenty of big green leaves, and they're strong and sturdy plants. The only problem is, they aren't producing any fruit. These plants are about 10 months old, and still nothing. There is an occasional little flower, but it's only one, and it usually just falls off. Is there a reason for this, and if so, how can I fix it? Thanks.
Maybe try some bone meal 1x monthly scratched into the surface then watered in.
Nitrogen helps plants make the proteins they need to produce new tissues. In nature, nitrogen is often in short supply so plants have evolved to take up as much nitrogen as possible, even if it means not taking up other necessary elements. If too much nitrogen is available, the plant may grow abundant foliage but not produce fruit or flowers. Growth may actually be stunted because the plant isn't absorbing enough of the other elements it needs.
Phosphorus stimulates root growth, helps the plant set buds and flowers, improves vitality and increases seed size. It does this by helping transfer energy from one part of the plant to another. To absorb phosphorus, most plants require a soil pH of 6.5 to 6.8. Organic matter and the activity of soil organisms also increase the availability of phosphorus.
Potassium improves overall vigor of the plant. It helps the plants make carbohydrates and provides disease resistance. It also helps regulate metabolic activities.
Everything gets better once your area get consistent night time temps in the 60's . Good luck!