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Please help. I am losing them!

Hey everyone.

I am frustrated and worried about a few of my peppers that are really having a hard time. I am raising the following under a 432W Sun Blaze 48 HO-T5 system:

Jalapeno Early
Orange Habanero
Bhut Jolokia
Bolivian Rainbow
Long Red Cayenne

All of my peppers are doing AWESOME except for the Bolivian rainbows and one of the cayennes.
I typically water my peppers when they start to wilt. I have tested the NPK of my soil, and nitrogen is a bit high, and everything else is just right. The pH of the soil has been tested a little below 7, probably around 6.8 or so.

My Bolivian Rainbows are struggling. They are browning, and leaves are dropping:

These are my two cayennes... treated exaclty alike in every way possible. As you can see, righty is having a tough time keeping up, or even just looking half healthy:


Here is a closeup:

Is it too late? I don't know what to do anymore. I have no more ideas as to what is causing either of these problems. PLEASE HELP!!!

Thanks in advance... I love learning from this forum.

sure as the devil looks like the one on the right has an aphid problem with all the shiny stuff on the leaves...

have you inspected closely for bugs?...
Yeah, the one on the right appears to have thousands of tiny little dots on the leaves. Spider mites?

Easy way to check for bugs:

Get a white piece of paper, hold it underneath a leaf and flick the crap out of the leaf. Any bugs should fall onto the paper and be easy to see. Spider mites can be smaller than the period on this sentence, so that helps ID if you don't have a magnifying glass.
I have inspected all of these very carefully with and without a magnifying glass... no insects.

I was told by a few people that the spots are edema from over-watering when younger. That makes sense, because it looks like little tiny bubbles on the leaves, but it doesnt make sense, because the other cayenne was treated EXACTLY the same.

Your leaves are very green... Three of my Habs had a similar problem with the wilting, flushing the pots a few times with water worked like a charm.

How close are the lights? That can mess your leaves up too.
Hey guys... I found something very disturbing that I was hoping you could help me out with. When flushing these things, I noticed that in the soil there are THOUSANDS of VERY small, little white worms. However, upon looking at the leaves... there is nothing on them. I cannot find any insects on the leaves, or even anything that looks like these worms on the leaves.

What am I dealing with here? I would get a picture, but there is no way you would be able to see them. When the flushing water settles, there is literally about three dozen that land on a piece of pine fines and crawl away to where I can't see them.

Thanks for the help. I think we found the problem. Whats the solution???

PS... I haven't fertilized for about 4-5 weeks.
Fungus Gnat larvae?



Another way to control these plant invaders is with the potato trap method: Cut chunks of potato into 1 ½-inch-square pieces. Place them on the surface of your potting soil. This is like a chuck wagon call for fungus gnat larvae! They’ll head straight for it and start munching. Leave the potato for a few days and then lift it up – you’ll quickly discover if you have larvae in your soil.

Dem is bad critters too, hope ya don't have 'em.
Hey Guys,

I actually have some Neem oil in the mail since about two days ago as a precautionary measure. Would spraying the soil with a oil soap water mix kill these things, or are nematodes and mites the only solution???
Since it looks like fungle gnats you have to get a solution that you can pour through the dirt I believe. Check your local hydroponics store, they'll have something for that.
I just overnighted some organic azatrol which is hydro tank and foliar spray safe.

First year growing peppers is definitely a learning experience.

Also, I am starting to see some of the same signs on some of my habaneros. Especially the ones sitting next to the Bolivians and the cayenne, so I think it warrants the cost of the bottle and shipping to get rid of this ASAP. I did go back and carefully inspect the leaves... and still I see nothing. Looks like root feeding is definitely the cause.

I will keep you all posted on how it works and how these poor peppers recover.

Thank you so much again.
Blister said:
HEHE! I know what amber means, I just don't know what the problem is when the water comes out amber :lol:

Too much fert, or minerals in the soil from not watering deeply enough.

I only water my plants when the lower leaves start to wilt, and when I do water I water them to the point where liquid starts coming out the bottom. This flushes salts and stuff out, however a few of my plants were showing signs of nutrient deficiency and were wilting at the tips and edges with those areas dying, so I gave them more fert... Turns out they were suffering from too much fert or salt buildup! A classic blunder, I made things worse by feeding them. As soon as I flushed them they started improving and some of them even started getting greener like I had fed them!
Oh ok. So would the water look like this?


I've also noticed that the tips on a few leaves on some of my plants are starting to turn brown. you can kind of see it in the pic above. Any idea what that might be? Same problem?
Binganero said:
I just overnighted some organic azatrol which is hydro tank and foliar spray safe.

What is the azatrol suppose to do?

I read the article on fungus knats posted and it listed 2 solutions. Beneficial nematodes (Steinernema feltiae is the most commonly used) and a predatory mite by the name of Hypoaspis miles. Id didn't say anything about azatrol at all??

I did notice a plant that I just got had a few Knats flying around and the owner said that's normal the flies live on the soil and don't effect the plant at all.