seeds Please, help me identify what is on my seedlings, a how to bring them back to health

That looks like fungus to me...try not to confuse fungus with mold. I have mold growing on the medium surface of all my healthy plants. Treat the fungus and improve the airflow and I believe the plants have a good shot. Focus on the plants health instead of the bad things on the plant. A healthy plant will fend off the bad stuff naturally as long as you provide it an appropriate environment to do so. 
Thoughts on bottom watering (more so for granular ferts) There's no arguing the benefits of the 'wicking' effect that bottom watering provides, but I highly recommend (for non-organic ferts) to flush from the top every couple weeks to clean out the stuff that the plant did not uptake. There is plenty of stuff left behind that the plant did not use and flushing it out gives the plant kind of a fresh start. This should be done especially when you switching up fertilizers ie from veg to bloom. 
Good luck
20-20-20 sounds pretty strong for seedlings..especially if there is already nutes in the soil.
Half strength 20-20-20, is what? 10-10-10.. thats still pretty strong.. would be strong enough for full grown plants that are fruiting / flowering
Thank you, ColdSmoke and nzchili.  Definitely going to stick to bottom watering, except for the bi-weekly top rinse.  I'll reduce the fert down to 5-5-5.  Much appreciated to both of you!
For every plant effected, it's been a week or so since I first noticed it.  Since then, additional leaves have sprouted, and they're all fine.  So, it must have been something related to something other than a pest or disease, like watering (too much, probably) or wet leaves too close to the grow lights (even though I'm using fluorescent tubes).
Thanks again, everyone.