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Please help me to Identify what I grew!!

I grow both varieties, "congo's and bonnet's"
In my opinion those are Red Bonnets,
They usually produce 4 or more pods per node, but the key is the flat indented lobed top with the sides crevassed to a moderate point...
Where as the Congo starts to crevasse at the top of the pod and continues to the tip at the bottom, and also normally produces less pods per node...and are significantly darker red when ripe
They're just to completely different looking pods.......and different flav...
To be honest, red Scotch bonnets rarely seem to have the desirable Tam shape so it could be bonnets in the pic.
I didn't say anything about a congo, just Caribbean. Most often Caribbean peppers are fat and they usually have their seeds clustered at the top of the pod and are often ribbed or multi-lobed.
Habaneros are a very specific variety although many people wrongfully use it to describe all (or many of) the C. chinenses. Having a pointed bottom does not make them habs or hab type, they have to be real habaneros with hab flavor and shape, and originate from the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico

Here are some more pics, and thanks everyone for your input!

Thanks very much everyone for your replies!

Here are a couple more pics:


BTW...Any idea what the Yellow one is?? That plant was a lot smaller, and only produced 2 pods..same soil, water, location etc. The pods are more dimpled and bumpy. They were supposed to be Douglah! Rare seeds that I paid a LOT for !!
BTW...Any idea what the Yellow one is?? That plant was a lot smaller, and only produced 2 pods..same soil, water, location etc. The pods are more dimpled and bumpy. They were supposed to be Douglah! Rare seeds that I paid a LOT for !!

Well..I guess that's it..Nobody knows for sure..Thanks anyhow for your hints at what these may be..