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Please Help My Dying Pepper Plant?

I'm really scared and sad, but my pepper plant Sherold is dying and I don't know what to do.
He's been alive for almost three years and I've kept him mainly indoors. He did receive a bacterial leaf spot infection on his second year but I managed to cure it somehow with pruning.
Now I think he's got another infection and he's so badly dying I don't know if I can help him. He started off having white spots on his leaves, which I thought to be powdery mildew. I didn't notice it or take care of it as fast as I should have, and before I knew it his leaves were entirely covered. I pruned the ones with the most spots and tried testing Jojoba oil on one of his infected leaves, because I didn't have neem oil at the time. I had to leave to go to a robotics competition during the weekend, but after I came back, all his leaves fell off and all was left were two green stems with black blotches. I started to immediately give him some vegetable fertilizer and water him a bit more (although not too much, because that's what caused his first disease) and pruned the dead branches off. Now he's down to one, yellow, dying stem. I applied some fungicide on him a week ago, but it isn't doing any good, and I couldn't find a copper soap treatment. I'm thinking of planting him back outside since the weather is nicer, but I don't know what good that will do.

What else can I do to help him? And if the stem fully dies, can I revive him just using his roots?

Please help, he means a lot to me.
Pics would definitely be helpful... and if it lost all of its leaves, you shouldn't be watering it very much or you'll drown the roots.
My camera is charging but I'll have the pics up in an hour. I actually rinsed off the roots, but I did knock some off in the process by accident. Some of the roots are kind of still white, and one of the stems is green.
:welcome: from Ohio! A green stem is ALWAYS a very good sign! I'm not an expert but I would guess that you may need to isolate it from the other (yellow?) stem and start the growing process all over again...
What do you mean by isolate? I transplanted it into a smaller pot, but I damaged the roots in the process. Only one stem is left and it's starting at the top and dying.

If I put the roots that have come off of my pepper plant in some water, would it be possible that they could sprout something?
No, the other stem is dead. I removed part of it, I don't think I can remove all of it because they are jointed together. Do you mean separate it like a cutting? Or still attached to the roots?

Also, will the roots sprout something if they are detached from the rest of the plant?
You may have to prune the bad stem at some point. If it's dead but still diseased, you have to remove it. Let's wait until you get a pic up, as I'm kinda in the dark right now..Your roots should regenerate themselves if not damaged too badly..
Mia...I'm sorry but I think your pepper plant is a goner. All you can do is keep it in a sunny window and your fingers crossed. Don't think there is any chance of sprouting anything from the roots either. I'll keep my fingers crossed to...
If i had to guess based on what you have said I lean towards it being done for as well. It kinda sounds like it may have been over loved - which is deadly unfortunately.

What variety was it? I or another might have some seeds to help you start sherold jr.
I would to, I try to save every plant I can even when I have extras...just don't want you to get your hopes up too much. Sounds like whatever hit your plant was pretty bad. Dropping leaves is one thing, and they usually come back from that without issues, but when stems start dying its really not good. Did you save any seeds from Sherold? Look very closely at the nodes on the remaining green stem and see if there is any growth on the nodes.
have you tried aspirin? 1 uncoated tablet in 1 litre of water. you can both water and mist, but if the plant is on a dieing course, the champ is done.

you didn't tell us what kind variety sheldon is, perhaps 3 years maybe his threshold.

I can keep goatsweed alive for 5 years max, 3 is average. orange hab is looking like 4-5 years. bishop crown/hot lemon appear to be 2 years. I have a sick barackapore that is 1 year old, 2 butchT that have never produced but are slowly dieing after 1 year. 3 years for caribbean red. 2 years out of gold bullet habs. they are all overwintered plants.

sometimes, plants just up and die, 2 plants sown at the exact same time, fed the exact same drink, one dies, one lives no real reason why, it just happens.

good luck and sow sheldon's brother soon.
There isn't any growth on the nodes. There used to be, but they died too. I just don't know what to do. I've had him for almost three years, i'm pretty upset by this.....