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Please identify this insect

Maybe the forum needs an Insect ID sub-forum :)

I wanted to take a picture, but the bug was moving fast and I instinctively killed it.

I found this creature on the floor of my grow room. I pray that is isn't an aphid! If was pure white, like white paint coming out of a can. It was approximately 1.5 to 2 inches long. It reminded me of a caterpillar, as it had a lot of tiny legs. It was moving incredibly fast.

What the heck was it?

Is it anything that is harmful to Chiles?

How did it get inside a 4th floor apartment, when I never open the windows?

Probably hitched a ride along with your clothes or any new house plants you brought into the apt. The other night I found a slug inside my house when I got home from work, it got me wondering how it got in there in the first place... Well Dragon just keep an eye out for anymore that could be hiding...
I dont know what it is. But I can tell you that its NOT an aphid. Aphids are a clearish green color and are tiny about the size of a bb from a bb gun
Fast---lots of legs----eats meat.

Prolly a mutant centipede or millipede from Chernoble or Fukushima.

Check yer "important bits" when you wake up, or wear kevlar skivvies to bed.
Fukushima joke not appreciated, seeing as I lived not far from it in 2011! ;)
I stuck to my guns and didn't flee. Two heads are better than one ;)
Aside from the white coloration, i would say that what you are describing is a house centipede

heres the wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata

theres alot of diversity in insects, so the potential for a house centipede to be white is there. If it is indeed a house centipede, then you don't have to worry. They prey on alot of other arthropods, like ants, silverfish, and spiders, so as long as they aren't bothering you i wouldn't go searching for them.

Hopefully this helps!
Could be a silverfish, common indoor critter that roughly matches your description. Google for lots of pics, the color can vary from a medium gray to a bright silver white.