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Please look at these plants and help me understand what happened.

Mites are a PITA!
Anyone here grow Fuchsias?
Ever have Gall Mites? They only attack Fuchsias here. Leafs start looking like cancer or something all shriveled.
The best remedy was to destroy the plant but here it may be different. I think peppers are a lot hardier. ;)

Do you have a 40x or larger hand microscope?

Some of us use them to tell when plants are ready to harvest but they are great for looking for mites, etc. as well.

How are microscopes used to diagnose when plants are ready to harvest?
Hey, my plants are doing the same thing. But only really affecting my aji Lemon's, and 1 choc hab (which got put in a bag and trashed).

Did you look under the leaves and see if ou see any clusters of white or black eggs? I had some and think i got rid o fit. But my plants still looking funny.
I plan on trimming them all back this weekend.

As for some mention overwater, i dont think that is the case, as mine did it, but it was more underwaterd than overwatered.

Also, when i trim them back i use azamax from general hydro and it organic (omri listed) and not to bad price. You do have to mix it.

I still dont know what it is, but i do have horn worms some promblem also, just found a bunch of larva, and small babies on my leaves.
Ok , Iam kind of new to growing pepper. You should not listen to me , but they way I would fix this is ... Just pull'em out and kill'em to avoid the spread . I personaly have a standard in place ...any
Plant thats not to my stantdard is pulled out regardless of the type it is . At first its hard to do, but after a couple times and a look at yer other healthy plants it gets easier .
Course all this happens after a better solutions have been considerd .
Yeah, not saying definitively that broad mite are what have been causing you grief, but from what you have said, it does sound plausible to me (based on my own experiences).

Firstly, as it sounds like you are already aware, white fly are a major vector of broad mite--the little mite bastages love nothing better than to hitch a ride on 'em--and it sounds like your plants are no stranger to white fly attack.

And secondly, from what I myself have personally observed, it really does appear that broad mite *do* favour certain plants (and I do mean plants; not genotype/variety or species). Usually they start out on what appears to be a few random plants here and there but eventually spread as their numbers increase. When I have been successful in keeping them under some control, re-infestation pretty much always occurs first on the initial plants they started attacking!

Under a magnifying glass, broad mite should at least look like tiny spots of white dust if that is of any help. If you cannot see even that, you are probably correct in the assumption that the said treatments against white fly have also knocked out the mites. Well, of course, that's assuming too that broad mite are indeed the culprits..... ;)
I have been cutting damaged leaves off some older plants,(some are 6 months old) and looking at them 30x no signs of mites other than the damaged leaves and scarring. It appears they like the midrib area close to the petiole as this where I noticed the most scarring. I still haven't found a live mite, these plants have been sprayed with neem/pepper/soap spray whenever white fly signs show up.